Silent As Always

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It's the first day of school. You are on your dorm room. With your right arm covering your eyes.

Your feets rustles the bed mattress, the sound filled the silent room.

You take a deep breath with your mouth and then releases it all with your nostrils. You rises from your bed and plant your feet on the floor.

You yawn as you scratched your black and messy bed hair. As you still try to get your bearing from your slumber.

You heard a few people's voice. They sound like they're panicking.

"We can't be late on the first day!" You heard.


You look to your left and look at the time.

You take a deep breath..and then releases it through your nostril.

You look away for a moment, and then back at the watch again.


You rushes off to your wardrobe as fast as you can. You wear your school unform, as fast as you can. You look at the mirror to make sure that you look presentable.

You smelled your clothes, and then you covered your mouth and releases a sigh. You smell your breath and you wince back.

Oh god..that is a legit bio weapon.

You rushes to the bathroom and brush your teeth in record speed and went out of the bathroom. You smell your breath one more time and it smells.. minty.

You smile and went to the table where your helmet are located. You grabbed it and put it over your head. Before you rushed out of the room and went to class.

Meanwhile on Mr.Port's class. Some students sat down and releases a sigh.

"That was close" A white haired student said.

"Don't know what you're worried about. It's just the first day. I'm sure it's fine" A yellow haired student said.

"First impression is everything! I am not letting the teachers think that we are a bad student"

The yellow haired student shrugged.

Mr.Port surveys the class, looking at it from left to right.


Suddenly the door burst open and reveal a man with a very distinct helmet.

....What the hell is that? The students thought. Many whispers to each other as they look at you.

"Ah Mr.L/n. I was wondering where you are. Fashionably late as always" Mr.Port said.

You bow your head to apologise. Mr.Port smiles.

"Well this is the first day, so all is forgiven. Please take a seat"

You nod. And then you look around the class. And you are met with weird gazes. You survey the class and then you saw a student with a redhood and silver eyes. You walked up to her, she look up and saw you. Her reflection is reflected from the glass of your helmet.

"Hey..." she said.

You do a 'scooch over' motion with your hand.

Her eyes widen.

"Oh! Right. Sorry" she and her team move to the side and make room for you.

You sit next to her. The student eyes are still on you.

Mr.Port gets all their attention by clearing his throat.

"Ahem" he clasp his hand together.
"Well now that you're all here. Let's get started, shall we?"

The Silent Gunman (RWBY Story) Where stories live. Discover now