The Stray

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You are in your room, sitting on your desk. You are reading a book, the one you were told to read and summarize as a report by Dr.Oobleck.

You spend almost 2 hours reading it and summarizing it.

All done! Whew..

You close the book with a satisfying feeling. You look to the side and see a plate and on top of that plate is a sap filled toast sandwich.

You lick your lips.

Time to reward myself hehe

You take one of 4 sandwiches and bring it to your mouth. But before you can taste that sweet,creamy, and crunchy buns. You were interrupted by someone having a fight next door.


You raised an eyebrow.

Now Beacon's walls are not by any means thin. Especially the dorm's walls, it is a place for privacy after all. So the walls have to be more thick so that people won't eavesdrop on each other.

But your senses are more..attuned than most people. If you want it to, you can hear everybody on this whole floor, their footsteps, their heartbeat, their conversation.

But for the room next to you. You don't even have to try

Is that Blake?

"You're discriminatory!" Blake said.

"I'm a victim!" Weiss said.

Ah..shit. That doesn't sound good..

"Do you know why i don't like the faunus in particular? " Weiss said.

...Cause your family have been at war..?

"Because my family have been at war" Weiss said.

Here we go again..i've heard this little speech from her sister long ago. Weiss might choose different words, but the content is most likely the same..though Winter is much more...'calmer' about it i guess..

You then hear Weiss telling Blake her reason.

"..They're all are just liars and murderers!" Weiss said.

...I don't like where this is going. Dear God, please don't tell me this is headed where i think it's headed..

"Well maybe we're just tired being pushed around!" Blake said.

...Goddamit, God..

"W-what?" Weiss said.

And then you hear Blake's rush footsteps and a door swinging open and then closing.

You facepalm.

Okay, well that could have gone better. Ugh dammit, Blake. I know i'm the one that told you to tell them. But not like this..

You release a breath through your nostril.

..What will you do now, Ruby?


The next day you're laying on your bed, waiting.

And then you hear Ruby,Yang, and Weiss leaving their dorm. You concluded that they might possibly go out to search for Blake. Since never heard Blake ever returning since friday.

You've texted Blake, you even tried to call her many many times, but to no avail.

So at this point you are very worried at this development. And you wish to see it concluded with a happy ending if at all possible. Since after hearing their fight. You never have a good night sleep, since your heart are wracked with worry. So seeing a happy ending will surely put your heart and ease.

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