Let's think about it for a minute

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Hm..this is..troubling..

You are sitting down, pen in hand, you tap the butt of your pen on the paper in front of you.

The paper is a set of questions given to you by your Teacher, Dr.Oobleck.
You glance to your left and right and see that most students are writing, what you assume to be their answers.

But you...you know not a single answer to any of these questions.


Well let's take a few hours back, approximately 2 hours to be exact.

It was time for history class, and it was taught by none other than Dr.Oobleck. His teachings are direct, fast and thorough.

One might think that you, who claim to be a good listener to your 'friends'. One might think that you will catch all of his words, and commit them to memory.

...That is not the case.

Because while Dr.Oobleck passionately teach you all an important moments in history.

Suddenly out of nowhere, a question pops to your mind.

Doesn't most faunus have 4 ears? Are the human ears a working part of their body? Or are they just like some lump of fat, that shapes like a human ears? Or if not, does the animal ears are superior than the human ones? Hm..a question for the century. Let's think about this for a few minutes.

2 hours later.

"...And that's how it came to pass. Any questions?" Dr.Oobleck said.

Nobody raised their hands or ask a questions.

"Excellent! Now let's test your knowledge via Pop Quiz!"

Excuse me, the what now?

"Do not worry, as long as you listened to my lecture, i'm sure you will get a passing grade."

....What was the lecture about again?

"Let's start...Now!"

Dr.Oobleck zooms to the students table and leave a sheet of paper behind.

The students groans, before they accepted their fate and picked up their pen.

As you read the paper in front of you, a feeling of dread appears in your heart. But you shake that feeling off, you were sure that you must at least know one answer to these questions.

You were wrong. So very very wrong.

And now back to the present. You are currently doing a few things.

First, you are waiting till the bell rings. Secondly, you look around to find a kindred spirit, that faces the same problem as you are right now.

You glance at Jaune, and see that he seems to be doing fine.

You feel dissapointed and betrayed at the same time. Also you feel like you're being a bit mean and doesn't give Jaune enough credit. You take another quick glance around you. And you find that there are no kindred spirits in this room.

After realising that, you can't help but wish with all of your heart for the sweet sweet release of death.

And while you do that, you are also thinking back and trying to figure out where did you go wrong with your life, that makes you the way you are now.

"Hey y/n help me kill some grimm would ya?" Voice from the past no.1 said

"Hey a prisoner escape, so can you possibly handle it?" Voice from the past no.2 said.

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