Meet The Family...almost

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The shattered moon have fallen and the not shattered sun have risen, and with it a new day have come. And as the sun starts to shine and rise so does  Jonathan. He have slept on one of the unused room on Beacon.

But at first he wishes to sleep at your room, as a way to catch up some lost time, and to make sure you're safe and well. But you 'lightly' hinted your displeasure and refused him.

"Boy, can i sleep in your roo-"

"Fuck off, old man"

And just like that Jonathan slept somewhere else.

Jonathan rise from his bed, his foot stepped on the cold floor. His hair messy, his throat dry.

He scratched his head, he look to the table next to his bed and see his scroll.

"3..2....1" He mutters.

And right after that number left his lips, his scroll rings. He picked it up and see the name 'Wifey' on the screen, he answered the call.

"Morning, dear" The voice said.

"Morning, Grace..*yawn*...what's up?"

"Oh nothing. I just wanted to check on my beloved husband"

Jonathan squint his eyes, and look at his scroll.

"...Really?" He asked.

"No. How's y/n? You are in Beacon are you not?" She said.

Jonathan hangs his head dejectedly.

"Whaaa, do you not care about me at all~? My missions are dangerous you know"

"It's not that i don't care. It's just's a waste of time?"

"Waste of time?! Baby...!"

"Also it's bad for my heart"

"And hearing you say that is bad for my heart!"

"Hm...anyway, how's y/n?"


"Hehe calm down, dear. I'm only teasing you, of course i care and woreied about you all the time. But...after all these years, and seeing what you can do and what you've achieved, and your will to just keep going, i now have the faith to know that you will always be okay. After all that is one of the reason i fell for you in the first place" She said.

Hearing those words and the pure honesty,trust, and love behind them. It renewed Jonathan's love for his wife once again. His chest is warm, and he is suddenly filled with energy enough to wrestle a thousand beasts.


"Is your heart feeling better now?"

"Yup! It's all fluffy and warm now! Bahahahaha!" Jonathan said as he rubbed the back his head with his free arm.

"That's great....Now how's y/n? I'm gonna be honest, but i'm starting to get annoyed that you keep avoiding the question. This is the third and last time i'm asking this. There is not gonna be the fourth...Dear"

Jonathan's heart is riding on a roller coaster of emotions.

"You do realise he have his own scroll right? You could always call him"

"I know. It's just that, it seems that whenever i talk to him, i keep finding out so many things that concerns me. So i just wanted to keep talking and find out more. So i would sometimes even put off some of my work for a moment to talk with him more"

" that okay?"


A nurse is running across a hallway on a hospital. She stopped when she reached a door that leads to an office, on the door there is a name 'Grace Hiltman', signalling that is it Grace's office. The nurse open the door.

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