The Champion

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The Undefeated Champion of Beacon. It is said that they are a prodigy. A prodigy among prodigies in fact.

If someone would put a thousand prodigies from all over the world in one room. And then have them fight in a batlle royale, the winner of that battle royale...will not be the Champion.

The Champion is in fact the one that held the battle royale in the first place just so that they can find somebody worthy enough to beat the shit out of!

The Champion will beat up that 'winning prodigy' senseless and then they will show compassion by nursing 'the winner' and the other prodigy to health.

....Just so that they can beat them all up again all by themselves!

Even Prof.Ozpin who is a prodigy in his own right, seems to be overshadowed by this individual.

Nobody quite knows who they are. Male? Female? Human? Faunus? Nobody is certain. Some say they doesn't even exist and this is just some rumor made to boost Beacon's reputation. But nonetheless more than a few believe they exist.

A mystery individual, an individual who seems like they just popped up from thin air.

People said that he is master in all forms of combat, hand to hand? Easy. Swordmanship? Done. Markmanship? Bitch please. Hammership, Axeship, lanceship, all kinds of ship under the sun are all mastered by this individual.

But wait, there's more! People have also said that this individual are a master strategist always 20 steps in front of everybody, a charismatic person whose beauty would blind every man and woman! Men and women would change their gender just to be with this beautiful, beautiful man slash woman.

They are a person whose iq is above 500! Somebody that will only be born in a billion years!

People have come from all over the world to challenge this individual only to fail horribly! This individual own existence are one of the many reason why Beacon's aplication skyrocketed. Just so that they can be graced by the champion's presence!

So it is written.....on your fan made website , made by unknown.

"Dudeeeeeee....y/n have his own fan made website, what the hell? Hahaha" Yang laugh.

After the battle session with Pyrrha you were told by Ms.Goodwitch to see the Headmaster. And so you depart first, while your friends went to have lunch. And so team JNPR and RWBY are in the cafeteria, eating while bantering.

"Really?" Jaune asked.

"Yeah, I just searched the champion of Beacon on the internet and found it." Yang said as she flip her scroll and shows it to her friends. Jaune, Nora, who is sitting in front of them, reads the scroll while Pyrrha and Ren continues eating.

"Don't read into it too much, most stuff in there are just lies" Weiss said before he takes another spoonful of her food.

Yang turned to her right and see Weiss.

"You've read it?" Yang asked as she put her scroll on the table.


"...Why?" Ruby asked.

"Research" Weiss said with slight upset stone, as she digs her spoon to her food slightly harder than one should.

Yang looks down on Weiss's food and then at Weiss.

"Are you...are you upset?" Yang said.

"No. Why would I be upset? Hm? What, did you think that I had some kind of imagination of what I think the Champion is in my own head, and then have that image blown to million pieces, do you think that's enough to make me upset?"

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