A Brand New Day

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You woke up in your bed like usual. You straighten out your body and you can feel your legs churn and shudders.

You clench your feet a few times. Before you take a deep breath and releases a sigh.

A brand new day have shown itself. You got up and plant your feet to the cold floor. You turn and look at the neatly 15 alarm clocks placed in a line on the table.

Today is a good day because you woke up only on the 10th alarm. You pat yourself in the back. And decided to reward yourself by making some breakfast.

A simple bacon and eggs with coffee on the side. And lots of it. A simple breakfast for a simple man.

After you've eaten you went to the bathroom to take a shower. And get ready for your new day at Beacon.

You walked up to the mirror and see yourself with the uniform. You nake sure you're neat and tidy. Before you put on your helmet and set out to class. You open the door, went through it and locked it.

Just then you hear another door opening to your side. You turn your head and look Ruby comes out through that door. And after she did her team follows their leader.

"I don't know what's the rush. We have plenty of time" Yang said.

"There's nothing wrong getting to class a bit early" Weiss replied crossing her arms.

"Heh yeah well i-" Yang was cutoff when she raised her head and look at you.

"Y/n?" She said.

You wave your hand.

"You live right next door?"

You nod and wave at the door as if saying: 'apparently so'

"..Neat" she said.

"Are you on your way to class?" Ruby said.

You nod.

"Well then, you wanna join us? We're in the same class right?" Ruby said.

Weiss pulls Ruby close to her and they both turned their back on you. They all huddled up. And starts speaking in whispers.

But even though they whisper their words. You can still hear them.

"What are you doing?" Weiss said.

"Inviting him to go with us"

"Yeah i got that. I mean why are you doing that?"

"Um why not?"

"Have you look at the man? He's.." Weiss take a quick glance at you.

"He's not right"


"He's some weirdo that are wearing what seems like a diving helmet, Ruby." Weiss said.

"So? Maybe he's just insecure of his looks. Doesn't mean he's a bad person" Ruby said.

"Yeah Weiss lighten up, he's not a bad guy. He's pretty chill actually" Yang said.

"And he's been here for two years. Prof.Ozpin would have expelled him already if he's a bad person." Blake said.

"2 years? He's our senior?" Weiss said.

"Technically yes. But he said that he never passed the first semester though" Blake said.

"Which makes him less of a threat" Yang said. "So relax and be nice"

Weiss grumbles.


They all disperse from their group discussion.

"Hehe sorry about that." Ruby scratched her head.

You wave your hand in dismissal.

Man...Weiss is kinda mean....it must run in the family...

"Oh i should introduce you." Ruby waves at Weiss. "This is the last member of my team. "

"My name is Weiss Schnee, a pleasure to meet you" she said.

You bow your head slightly.

"Well? Aren't you going to introduce yourself?"

You make a show of looking surprised. You reach for your pocket and pull out a note, with your name on it.

Why on paper? Weiss thought to herself.

She turn to her leader.

"He doesn't speak much"

"I see" Weiss said.

She turned to you.

"Well it's nice to meet you i suppose" Weiss said.

You give her a thumb up. Which make her raised an eyebrow.

Ruby clapped her hand. Getting your and Weiss's attention.

"Okay now that that's over. Let's head over to class!" She said.

You nod. And you all make your way to class.

The 4 girls would talk as you all make your way towards class. But as you all walked. Yang would sometimes look down to one if your leg. You notice this and wonder what's she doing.

Suddenly as you walked, she tried to sweep your left leg by using her right.

But you raised it just in time for her leg to missed it.

"Nice reflex" she grins.

"Wha- Yang! What was that? Were you trying to trip y/n?" Ruby asked.

"Nah, i just want to test him a little" She said walking ahead of all you.

You look at the three girls.

"I'm so sorry about that" Ruby said.

You wave your hand in dismissal.

You turn your sight to up ahead, to Yang. Who continues to walk ahead. She looks back.

"Well? Let's go already" she said.


You shrugged and then you proceed to walk towards her to join her. The three girls look at each other and shrugged.

"What was that all about?" Weiss asked.

"I don't know. Yang have never done that before. Attacking out of nowhere i mean. Not the leg sweeping part" Ruby said.

"Maybe it's because of yesterday?" Blake said.

"Hm? You mean when y/n dodge her attempts to take his helmet?" Ruby said.

"Yeah. She could takes it as a challenge"

"Hm yeah she would. But still.."

"In any case, i don't think she meant any harm" Weiss said cutting off the two of them.

"And also...Those two are leaving us" Weiss points ahead to you and Yang who are already far enough to look like dots to them.

"Oh shoot. Wait for us!" Ruby said with a loud tone as she jogs towards you and Yang.

Blake and Weiss look at each other before they jog towards you as well.

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