Words and Promise

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It's nearly 5 in the afternoon. Weiss is on her knees, her hands still gripped to the blade that is plunge to the ground.

You crossed your arms.

"Pathetic....." she mutters to herself.

You walked up to her and offer her your hand. She looks at it and then turned her head away. She clicked her tongue

"Tch, I don't need your pity. I can stand up by myself" she said.

She stood up and pull her blade off the ground. She walked up to the camera and takes it.

"This..is far from over. Tomorrow, same time, same place."

You sighs.

Well it's not like i can escape...Wait, no, i totally could. But...maybe i shouldn't..Hm..

You nod.

"Good" she walked to the exit and leave.

Both sisters are so stubborn..


Weiss walked back to her room, where her teammates are all in there. Ruby and Yang are playing games, while Blake is reading a book on her bed.

"Oh Weiss, you're back" Ruby said looking back. Yang glances back for a moment, before she returns her attention to the game. Yang grins.

"By that look, you lost huh? Hehe" Yang said.

"Hrg..I never said that i'll do it in one day" Weiss looked away.

"Sure,sure, whatever you say."

"Just you wait, i'll get him tommorow"

"Sure you will~" Yang said.

Ruby exchanges look between the two of them.

"Tch, i'm going to take a shower" Weiss said as she walks to the bathroom.

Ruby turned to her sister and then to the bathroom. Her look filled with worry.


That night as everybody sleeps, in the dark, Weiss is reviewing the footage she got. The light comes from the camera shines on her face.

Ruby who suddenly woke up in the middle of the night, saw some light coming from underneath her bunk bed.

She peeks her head in a little, her bed rustles slightly, but Weiss didn't notice it one bit.

Ruby saw the footage, albeit more smaller, but she can still see what's happening on it. She saw Weiss completely engrossed in the footage. She saw Weiss replaying some part of the footage, slowing down some part of it.

Ruby is worried but she also smiles at seeing her friend's hardwork and determination. Ruby decided not to say anything and decided to go back to bed.


The next day, after class, Weiss literally drags you to the training room. She sets up the camera. And you then spar again.

But the result is the same. Time passes and the sun is about to set. Weiss clicked her tongue and walked up to the camera and was about to leave. But she stopped when she reach the door.

"We're doing this again tomorrow" she said before she leaves.


And just like yesterday, at night Weiss review the footage again.

This continues on for another 3 days. But the result is always the same. You starts to notice that Weiss eyelids would start go heavy when in class. And yet she still can get an A on all the quizzes.

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