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Oh my...this is new..

You were brought by Blake to her dorm, team RWBY's dorm. She locked the door, turned off the lights, closed off the curtains, and your is back on the wall, and you are between Blake's hands on the wall, preventing you to escape.

Is this the infamous Kabedon? Wow..Blake is so...manly. Nobody have ever done this to me before. I don't know how to react.

"Why do i feel that you're thinking something...weird? I don't like it. Stop it!" Blake said.

Right,right. I should stop thinking about it....Mostly because i think if i keep thinking about it, my masculinity will keep dropping. Get it together, me!

You nod.

"Okay...good. Now.."

She inches closer, and because you are taller than her, she looks up at you. The dark room, makes her eyes seems brighter.

She's staring at you, as if peering beyond your helmet and straight to your soul.

"How did you know about me being a faunus?" She said.

Hm well i only knew because i was also there when Prof.Ozpin decided to enroll you. But i can't tell her that...can i? Hm..nah, let's not. So what should i tell her? I never lied once in my life, and i'm not gonna start now. Let's see here..i did notice that her bow twitch once or twice, i guess i can just tell her that.

You raised your hand and point at her bow. And then you raised your index finger and wiggle it up and down.

"My bow..twitch?"

You nod.

"I see...You are suprisingly perceptive" she said.

Aw..thanks...Wait was that an insult?..I'm just gonna take it as a compliment.

"Did you tell anybody?"

You shake your head.

"I mean it, y/n. You better not be lying. Because this is serious stuff, so be serious! So i'm going to ask again. Did you tell anybody? Anybody at all?!"

You shake your head.

"You're not lying are you?"

You shake your head.

"How do i know you're telling the truth?"

If you're not gonna believe me, then why did you ask me in the first place?!

"...." unsure what to do, you responded with nothing.

She continues to look at you and then she sighs.

"I..i'm sorry"

She retracts her hand, undoing the kabedon.

Aw...i kinda enjoyed that. My heart was pumping really hard. And it's not the life threatening kind. Yay!

She rubs her left arm with her right hand. She seems to be unsure what to do. And seems to be...vulnerable. Which is new a side to see. She always seems reserved and a composed individual. Seeing her like this just seems weird to you.

You sigh underneath your helmet. You went to one of the death trap of a bunk bed that they have.

And sit on the bed. And then it makes a sound and you swore that you see the top bed kinda shifted. So you stood up again.

This is definitely not safe..

You look around and see a chair.

You walked up to it and pull the chair. And then you point at Blake and then at the chair.

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