Shadows [1]

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You stand on top of a building, the cold wind blew cooling your body. You look down at the road and your eyes are fixed to a single truck.


After the truck is gaining distance, you starts to follow it. You carefully keep a safe distance. And you make sure to carefully not let a single soul notice you.

You jump from building to building as a means of travel.

As you jump and run, and as you feel the cold wind pierce through your clothing and cooling your skin underneath, you start to recall the past. The reason why you are jumping from building to building and probably breaking some trespassing laws.

'So...Y/n..I know i said something rather..uncalled for yesterday but..My fighting killer robot got stolen...So uh...Help me find it..?...' Imaginary Ironwood said.

'Tch..dammit. How did it get stolen in the first place anyway?! Stop making my life so hard!'

You sigh.

You stop at one building and keep watch the truck that is carrying Ironwood's death robot.

You raise your left hand and pull down your sleeves and you look at your watch.

'Hm...I need to get this done as soon as possible...I need to watch over team rwby soon. They should start moving soon...hah...This is kind of a pain...I was just planning to watch videos in my room today...and maybe play some games or something...But, nooo~ finding giant, killer robot, and watching over 4 girls from certain death it is....Today sucks..'

Your mind recalls the past once more. You were in your room, over hearing Ruby and the others.

'Hey guys, let's stop the white fang!' Imaginary Blake said.

'No! I'm the voice of reason! And i said, no! We're just students!!' Imaginary Weiss said.

'Yeah, but why not though?' Imaginary Yang said.

'Good point' Imaginary Weiss said.

'Yay! Let's do something stupid!!! We're totally not in over our heads!!' Imaginary Ruby said.

'....Why..?' Past Y/n thought.

You shake your head and dispelling the memories so that you can focus on the present.

You sigh.

'Whatever...At least, Ironwood prepares some tracking device on that thing. Of course it got disabled...the first one anyway. It got a second one. Of course, that too got disabled. But it only happen later on, when they already starts to move that thing. And it's rather easy to narrow down where they would go. Even now i think i can narrow down their destination. But just to be sure i should just follow them.

Though i wonder...

I find it hard to believe that i'm the only one you can send in this situation. Surely you bring other officers with you to Vale. Ugh...whatever...Oh, the things i do for friends..'

You continue to follow the truck.

'But for the moment, let's put that aside and think about Ruby and the others.

I it...morally right that i'm just letting them do all this? It's not...right?

I mean, this is a dangerous job, i know. You can't escape from danger. But i wonder is they should be exposed to this amount and this kind of danger so soon. The grimms are one thing. People are another.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2019 ⏰

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