Am i a Hypocrite?

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Hm...that was completely expected..

You are now in the cafeteria right after you finished Ms.Goodwitch's class. You are sitting with Blake on your left and Ren on your right. And Ruby is in front of you.

And you have just watched your friend, Jaune Arc, got beat up by Cardin.

It was a one sided battle, but you already knew it, Jaune just isn't on that level....yet.

You can see great potential from Jaune, in fact you were there when Prof.Ozpin approve of Jaune's obviously fake transcript.

"Hey y/n, there's this kid who obviously faked his transcript. Wouldn't it be funny if he would attend my school? Haha" Memory Ozpin said.

Hm..i don't think those was his words. Damn it brain! Stop changing people's words! You scream to yourself.

In any case, Jaune got accepted.

You were hoping that he might be those type that would get a power up whenever things are bleak.

But that is definitely not the case. His footwork,his grip, his everything is just all wrong.

But at least he have Pyrrha on his team. So i'm sure he'll be just fine. The progress might be slow, but he'll be fine...i hope..

As you think about all this. Your friends are enganged in a conversation. About Cardin and how he has been bullying Jaune.

You, of course have noticed this. You wanted to help, but you chose to stay silent. You fear that if you help him now, you think that somehow it will hinder his growth.

This is one of those moments that he must overcome by himself. And if he can't...then that means that you and Ozpin are wrong about him. And he should probably quit before he lose his life.

As a huntsman, you are expected to save others. So how could you stand up for others and protect them, if you couldn't even stand up and protect yourself?

This is tough love. He have to overcome this, and despite all that rather pathetic display he showed so far, you still think that he will overcome it somehow. So you're not too worried.

As you think about this, something got your and your friends's attention.

A girl's voice. It sounded very familiar, you are sure that you know this person.

You raised your head and see Velvet being bullied by Cardin.

You look to your friends, but none of them are quite showing any initiative to help.

You can't help but feel....dissapointed.

Guess i have to take this matter to my own hands. it hypocritical of me. Because that i help Velvet and not Jaune? Huh...let's think about this for a minute...

"S-stop it..i just wanna eat my lunch.." Velvet said.

Oh god what is wrong with me? This is no time to think about this!

You pull out your scroll and search your contact list. You searched for one of her teammates. The one that always shows his protective nature.

Yatsumashi...Yatsumashi...Where are you...Ah found it! Oh...his name is actually Yatsuhashi not Yatsumashi...Oh boy, then that means i wrote his name on his birthday cake wrong. wonder his team exchanges looks back then....I have never been so glad that i rarely talk. That would have been awkward..

You begin to type:

'Yo, Come to the cafeteria. Velvet is getting bullied....bring your sword..' you typed.

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