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You arrived back in your room after your trip to the hotspring. You put your helmet on the table and then you walked to your bed and you fall down like a plank of wood to the bed.

You buried your face to your pillow.

Stupid Jonathan...What the hell? Assuming that i had sex with the girls....and with Ren? What the hell?Ugh...that was not good for my heart. But that is not quite the most embarassing part...

You recall to that specific moment.

"The Spade family cannot be killed by such a mere illness!" Your past self said to Jonathan.

Your face turned red from the embarassment, a puff of smoke comes out of your ears.

Wuaaaaa, what an embarassing declaration!

You roll around the bed left and right.

Waaaaaaaaaa! And i said it with such conviction too! Gaaaaa! The cringe! The criiiinge! Why did i say that?! Words carry weight and those that i said is so heavy! I can't carry them!

Ugh...I was caught up in a moment!

You stop rolling around.

Now i really can't die from this no matter what. Because if i do, my words will holds no weight, it'll turn to a lie! And i don't lie. My pride won't allow it.

I suppose my only option now, is to make those words to reality. Heh okay, fine. I can do this. I mean, all i have to do is to survive a disease specifically designed to kill me. I can do that...easy peasy..yup.

You lay there, face first to your pillow. Things are quite....Bad things happened to you when things are too quite. Your eyes wander to your right, to where your table stand are.

And then you see it. The voices that runs on the back of your mind. The voice of 'Doubt' took shape.

Ans that shape is....a mini, chibi you, it whole body are coated in black shadow. It stands on the table, it waves it's tiny arms and it jumps and jumps to get your attention.

Oh no....

"Hello...failure..." Doubt said.

You sat on your bed. You look at the mini you that stands on the table. It's gaze stuck on you like glue. You facepalm and shake your head.

Things have been hectic lately. Such as Blake's dissapearing, meeting Sierra, Ozpin's favor, etc. And if you doesn't have any life threatening situation, you have homeworks. And so you rarely have any quite time to just...think.

But with your impending demise that can come at any time now. Your thoughts's can be...

"Holy shit, we're gonna die achieving nothing in this cycle of violence that we called our life" Doubt said.


You take a deep breath. And releases them.

...I need a smoke..

You stood up and you walked to your table. You open the drawer and rummage through it. You pull out your smokepipe and a bag of tobacco.

"Oh God! And now we're trying to kill ourselves by smoking too! What is wrong with us?!" It said as it teleported on the table in front of you. It sizes are three times bigger than they were before.

Your eyes twitches as you tried to ignore Doubt. You put the tobacco inside the smoke pipe hole. Your hand rummage through the drawer again in search of a lighter.

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