The Girl and The Gunman

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It's another beautiful day in Beacon. The sun is shining! The bird is singing! Warships filled with killer robots plagues the sky! Myriad of thoughts are in people's minds. And the feelings that radiate from those thoughts, be felt through out the school. Feelings that came from a thought such as 'Oh wow are we about to go to war or something?'

Or thoughts such as 'Uh are things that bad here in Vale?' Or thoughts such as 'Holy shit the term just started and the feeling of dread that i'll mess up my studies are already setting in!'

And there's many many more. All this just pumps that worsening heart of yours.

You are sitting on a park located in the middle of the town, Vale. You crossed your right leg on top of your left thigh.

You look up and you gaze at passing by civilians. Some are with their child. Some are walking their dogs. A happy smile is plastered on they face.

They look like they're having a good time in general. You take a deep breath. You lean your head back. Resting your head on the back of the bench.

The steel makes a small sound as it made contact with the wooden bench. You look up at the sky that is littered with ships.

'Oh...This isn't how i pictured this day gonna go down..'

Suddenly a shadow starts to creep up to your view. And then a head poke out, blocking your view of the sky.

It's a ginger haired girl with a small ahoge on top that came down to her chin. A pink bow is the back of her hair. She have bright green eyes with some freckles right underneath them. She have a wide smile on their face.

She wore a whitish-gray old-fashioned blouse with short gray feminine overalls as well as a black and green collar with a matching pair of stockings. This girl's name is Penny Polendina. And she is a robot.

"I'm back~ and i bought ice cream~!"

With excitement on her steps, she makes her way to your side and sit down besides you. A pair of chocolate ice cream scones on each of her hands.

She hand one of them to you.

"Here you go!" She said with a cheery and excited tone.

You look at the ice cream scone and then you take it off her hand. And then she proceeds to lick her ice cream. Your eyes underneath your helmet wanders to her.

'...She can eat?...How does that works?'

"Hm? Something you wanna asked? I feel like you're staring" she asked.

You wave your hand in dismissal.

"Ah okay! Must be my imagination!"

'...You have imagination...? How does that work? does mine work? Let's think about this for a minu- wait no, focus me! ice cream starts to melt..'

You look at ice cream your hand is holding. The tip starts to melt under the sun.

'Ice cream...How long has it been since i ate one again..? Especially with'

As you think you starts to feel a little down. So you decided to lift yourself up by starting to eat the ice cream.

The part of the helmet that covers your mouth open up and you start eating. You look to your side and see Penny completely enjoying herself. There's little bit of ice cream near her lips.

' did things end up this way..?'

30 minutes ago.

"Ah sorry. I'm busy, let's have a raincheck. But so that you don't think that i'm an asshole. Here's the girl in question so that you don't think i'm running. And you can just judge her for yourself" Imaginary Ironwood said.

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