Chapter 4

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*Jason's pov*

I can't belive I just saw the girl who I  loved to death. Who I would fight for. Kill for. Do anything for. The one who put me in jail. The one who just let me go like nothing ever happened between us. Like we never loved each other. I can't belive I just saw her again.

She looked more beautiful then before which I thought was impossible. Her hair was longer. She was taller. Her face was more chubby and beautiful. She was just gorgeous...

But what shocked me the most was that she's dating my little brother. My plan was when I escape Jail to kidnappe her again but she's dating me brother?!

I still love her after what she's done for me and this is what she does?! Forgets about me and let's me to suffer while she's dating other guys?!

One thing she doesn't know is I still didn't give up on her. And never will. She's mine. And only mine. Even if she's dating other guys she's still all mine. And I'm gonna get her back. I promise you that.

*Kelsey's pov*

When I got home the guys were still not back but I didn't mind. I wouldn't want them to ask questions since I looked horrible. I look like I just did weed.

I went up to my room and washed up before going back downstairs to cook since I was bored and I wouldn't want my baby to be starving.

I walked to the kitchen and took out all the ingredients I needed. I decided to do an easy and fast option but also very delicious.


And after like 20 minutes it was already finished. I filled a plate for myself and started eating.

Half way through my food I heard the door open and Damien shout my name.

Me:"In the kitchen!" I yelled back and Alex came running in with Captain America costume on.

Alex:"Mommy mommy! Look what Uncle Damien got me!" He said excited.

Me:"Oh Hi mini Captain America nice to see you here. But where's my little son Alex?" I looked around pretending to be sad.

Alex:"Mommy it's me! I'm right here!"

Me:"Where could he be Captain America? Do you have an idea?" I asked him again shrugging my shoulders.

Alex:"He's right here!" He yelled giggling and took of his mask.

Me:"Ah! There he is!" I picked him up and put him on my lap.

Alex:"It's me mommy. I Captain America. " He said in his cute baby voice.

Me:"Really? You're mini Captain America?" I asked fake shocked.

Alex:"Hmm." He nodded.

Me:"I'm so happy! There's a hero in my house! Are you gonna save mommy if the bad guys come?"

Alex:"Yeah! I won't let them get near my mommy!" He put his hands around my neck hugging me tightly.

Me:"And I won't let anybody get near my little Captain America." I hugged him back squeezing him.

Me:"You hungry?"

Alex:"Yeah." I nodded and put him in his high chair and filled his plate up before going over and started feeding him.

Damien:"So how was it? I thought you were gonna stay late." I heard his voice ask as he walked in with Alejandra.

Me:"How was what?"

Damien:"At Justin's." He said making me stop in my tracks.

Me:"It was...good. And I decided to come back because I wanted to see my baby." I replied nervously. He nodded and sat at the table as Alejandra put a plate full of food in front of him.

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