Chapter 1: The Start of a Plan

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You know how I was a kid and I planned to infiltrate the Stark Tower? Well, I never got around to do that. Now I'm thinking if I should really do it. I'm just an 'average' person now.

I work in Starbucks [yeah, wow (just really wanted to misspell people's name badly)] and I'm living by my own, still getting my education but I pay for it myself. [I'm 16 just saying] Still continuing my study of computer and programming.

I know how to hack computers since I was 10. Thanks little me. I am studying advanced technology and such for the great plan. I would only be able to break in the tower if I get the guards down and then I'll only go in, if something else big is happening, I'll take that opportunity. I'm preparing for it. Or just you know, actually use my powers to it's potential.

I have all materials needed for the plan, packed and ready to go. It's not very heavy, though I have a lot of equipment that I have made. Yes, I invent stuff for my advantage.

Anyways, let's talk about what's happening in the present. Right now. I am hacking computers for a certain location.

Someone put me up in a mission for a very good deal (I must say). I'm always willing to accept missions like this, although, I'm in a bit of a pickle.

I have recently did something very dangerous (?). I got into one of the computers in S.H.I.E.L.D. But, it's not like I saw everything in the said computer. I only saw the surface of it.

It was a lot of coding and it was very complex, and I'm still wondering if they found out that I got into one of their computers. Maybe I just got very, very lucky. No one was even using it (probably).

But now I'm worried. I didn't expect it to work? That's why I'm buying a new laptop (and completely destroying the one I have) and then I'm moving.

Seems very dramatic and everything but it's for a reason.

For the laptop:
- Yes, for the S.H.I.E.L.D. Finding out (it's a risk)
- My current laptop is getting crappy and I need more space (the bytes [mm yes more bites of this donuts!])
- I just really want and need a new one
- Also, it's a very slow laptop

- again the risk
- They are, for some reason, demolishing the current apartment I am in

And guess where I'm moving? New York! What a good timing. I'm moving in this week, specifically in Thursday. And today is.. oh yeah, it's Tuesday. I did quit my job at Starbucks. Also, signed the papers needed to be sign for the school I was going to, since I am moving.

Now, enough of my internal monologue, let's get into the dialogue.

"The deed is done," I said to my dealer, it sounds like I'm selling drugs. I hand my dealer (client is a better word)  the paper filled of the locations needed, "payment please, also, remember our deal. If something bad happens to you, going to these locations or you get in trouble or something , don't blame me or get me in anything you do. I was only here to find locations like you wanted. Now, the money." Really sounds like a drug dealer.

"Yes, I remember. Here," he puts a big bag down. "Thanks for the list. Have fun with your money."
"I will." I smiled bitterly.
Wow, that much money for a piece of paper. I gladly accepted it and took off.

I went home, to count the money and then packed it. I guess we're moving now, a sudden change of plans.

I took out the USB out of the port of my old laptop, then burnt the laptop. I got the bat out to put the laptop out of its misery.

I head out with a lot of baggages in hand. Actually, it isn't much, I ride my car and left.

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