Chapter 6: Are you there?

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The avengers came back to the tower for a meeting. After a while, they are very curious about what happened to Loki. They went to visit his room to find him nowhere. And since it is silent in Raven's room, it could only mean they something together. Maybe escaped.

It was too quiet, the silence was anticipating, they immediately bolted to Loki's room to see no one is there. They rushed to Raven's room and found them both asleep; Raven on the floor and Loki on the Raven's bed. They all sighed.

Now they're wondering what happened when they were gone. Thor thinks Loki created a new friend which is a nice thought. Tony thinks that Loki went in the room and pushed Raven out of the bed so he could take her bed because it is extra soft. He did buy a king size mattress which is meant to be extra soft.

Clint thinks nothing of it, assuming that it was good that they're asleep so they can't create any other mess. Natasha minds her own business, although she thinks of ways on how to train them, then she gets distracted by the spider plushie Raven is hugging. Bruce is thinking of teaching Raven of making some stuff in science. He sees the potential.

And lastly, Steve is thinking that they just got very tired and is having a good nap.
They all left and closed the door of Raven's room. They all go to their respected places and slept.

Next day

| Raven |

I wake up, moving around realizing I'm on my own bed now. Even this happens here. If you don't know what I'm talking about, I'll explain. You know how when your asleep in the car or just somewhere not in your bed as a kid, your parents carry you there to your bed. And then you wake up magically being in you're own room? It's like that.

Loki's not here, which means he left.
Remembering the dawn, I groggily laid down in my own bed and now I'm awake. I wonder if I did that when he was still in the bed too. I wouldn't know, I was half asleep.

I got up and went to the bathroom, even this room has its own shower. I went to shower. After that, I chose an outfit I wanted to wear. And lastly, I put my shoes on. I go out my room and went straight to the kitchen/dining room.

I see some members of the Avengers are sitting on the sofa, some of them look up, some stay focused on what they're doing.
"Hi, kiddo. Had a nice nap?" Rogers asked. "Sure." I went ahead and sat on the couch. "What was that supposed to mean?" Stark asked, turning his attention from the television to me. "I don't know, could be anything you interpret."

"You know, we saw your room-"
"Congrats, you have eyes. Congrats, you know where it is. Congratulations, everyone, really it's an honour to know you can see my room! I feel super great knowing that!" I said in a sarcastic tone while clapping my hands.
"Well, we know Loki was sleeping in your room." Bruce said right after drinking his coffee. "Congrats, you have a brain to know what's happening around you. And yes, he fell asleep. I couldn't carry or do anything about it so I left him asleep. On my bed."

Clint suddenly joined the conversation, "Wait, don't you have telekinesis or something? Couldn't you move it with your powers?"
"Eugch. I don't use my powers that much because I don't want to be exposed. So I can be also used to having no powers when it might suddenly go poof. Or you know disappear;" I took a magazine; making it float in front of me and read through the book. "but yes, I could've used my powers, which I can use. But I didn't, cause I was too lazy and tired."

"Tired? You barely did anything!" Stark said out of nowhere. "Tired from all of you guys. Let me do something challenging or just make me do something like I don't know, something. Training is boring when it's the only thing I could do, even surfing the internet got boring."
I looked at the magazine and looked at Stark, "Can I go to a shopping spree? I've never done that before.."

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