Chapter 2: The Target

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I arrived in a hotel, in New York.

I instantly organised everything I had and then bolted out of my room (not really bolted but I did go out of my room) because I'm shopping! Nah, I'm just buying a new laptop with all the equipment I need.

I'm also going to walk around NYC to find the place.

A few minutes later

Wow, I didn't even need to try finding the tower.

I take out my camera and took a picture of the tower. This is it, this is the place. Wow. I am astonished.

I go back to the hotel with goodies. I set up my equipment and my newest laptop. Yay.

I start doing my job ya di ya da. You know what? Let's skip the boring part. Why? It's just me hacking stuff and doing stuff, figuring out the layout of the building.

Oh man, do I want to go there now, but I shouldn't since I'll be an easy catch. If a bigger problem arises, that's where I attack. Since there's a major problem in their hands they wouldn't care about the minor ones. Or maybe I'm just underestimating them. Well, we will know when I'm there.

Also, just an update in the moving, I found a new apartment, yay. Me is moving next, next week; maybe it will be cancelled, dunno.

Today is Thursday, and I'm preparing for the big day, I'm still waiting for that major problem to rise up like yeast.

This'll be annoying if I had to keep on going like this. There's barely dialogue but that's because I barely talk to anyone around me.

I huffed as I typed codes, this is harder than I thought. After many tries (like a whole lot), I finally got in! But the question is how? No one will know because of lazy writing.

Anyways, I see a file discussing a disturbance, someone connected to Thor?? Huh, wonder who. Hope it isn't the psycho but melodramatic sibling. Which could be both siblings, but who will ever know? I know it's not me!

I tried to search further but it required more coding, after solving it, I see who's involve in the fight.

Iron Man (do I have to say who it is? It's Tony Stark), Captain America (Steve Rogers), the Hulk (Bruce Banner), Thor (Odinson), Hawkeye (Clint Barton), and Black Widow; also known as Natasha Romanoff. All of Blake's sayings are correct..

Okay we're going skip again it's just me packing more stuff so uhhh be back in ten minutes..


Ok! We are done and the day is here. I have recently checked the latest news in New York and there has been some 'disturbance' among the city. Does it correlate with Stark's secret hero group? Maybe.. but is the group even a secret anymore? Was it a secret in the first place?

I check out of the hotel room and head on out. One thing you never knew about me but now I will tell you what it is. I control people's brain. I can command their brain to trigger something in their body or make them see me as something else, just brains. I can read their brains unconsciously too, like I just hear a lot of voices of other people, saying their thoughts. But I've learnt to ignore it.

If I felt very cruel, I might even control them to ram themselves to a train or something. And I'm using that power to trick the people in Stark Tower, if there's ever people there. Yes, I also have the power to make people see illusions and such. Well I do have magic as a power and such from the Maxells' power blood, since they do inherit the "you will have telekinesis but you will also have this other power that is randomised".

They told me that the randomised power you will get is fitting to your personality. And I got the use of magic and such. Very fitting if I must say myself.

Also, you might notice some weird age things with me, it's confusing but you will get what I'm going to say right now. Look, I'm 16 but I'm in the same level as Parker, which is going to be appearing soon. You might ask how?? There's this weird thing that's called age stop (or whatever they called it), I'm explaining it now so you know.

Age stop or whatever it was called, is where you can stop, rewind or forward your age. My 'little sister' can do that, that's her special power.

I'm actually around Parker's age but I asked her to change it to something suitable, so I could look at least fitting in the tower, you know what I mean? I would've gone for 18 but I might forget that I'm actually 15. If stay super long in that type of age, I'll stay 18. Which is a nightmare. Or I just start aging, like I am stuck at being 18. I continue aging, I turn 19.

It's all confusing, I know but I just needed to say it. If you think I'm op or overpowered, I'm really not since I barely use my powers anymore, and there is someone who is more powerful than me but I won't say who for their sake.

So I have three powers, telekinesis, brain control (like anything that correlates with brains), and magic.

Well I'm done explaining, what are we waiting for? Let's start the mission.

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