Chapter 3: Civilians

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I'm making my way uptown, walking slow, pace is bad and I'm outbound. Never knew what the actual lyrics were, need my research on that one.

Today is the day we see action in this book. Finally, after two boring chapters we have this, chapter 3! Actually, if we include the prologue, it would be three boring chapters, but whatever.

Action shall begin.. now!

I'm in front of the building and now I shall go inside. I am walking through the door like a normal person.

I see people, cause this is a tower. A lot of business looking people.

"Excuse me Ma'am," ooo first ever dialogue, actually, this is the second, remember my dealer? Yeah... "do you have an appointment or are you a new member?" This man said to me with a gruff voice.

Hmmm I must think (well I always do), I read the man's brain, name's Happy but he sure doesn't look like it.

"Stark.. internship..?" I manage to say. He nodded, "I should inform Stark." His under my control now. I sit on a bench and make him walk to the bathroom, then the grasp I had in his mind disappears (I just stopped controlling him.)

I made myself blend in the scene and went to the elevator if somewhere in the elevator is a secret.

I get into a floor that has another elevator, but this one isn't in the line of the normal elevators. I go in to that elevator. Knowing the schedule of the Avengers doing their duty, they are most likely doing their job outside.

I get into the highest floor and wow. There's like a bar in here and wow. I'm on top of the tower! So that's why there's some sort of platform in this tower.

I walk around the floor until I heard a big thud, I go invisible immediately and found a hiding space.

Realizing that I'm in the same room as Tony Stark. Now, someone has fallen from the sky. Is that the guy they were talking about?

I have done my own little research into Norse Mythology, knowing that Thor is based from it. It could possibly be his adoptive brother, Loki. But I mean, there's Hela. I also researched at the comics and movies, hehe.

I peek to see Stark pouring beer or wine in a wineglass or whatever it's called. I've never been in a bar before, I barely go outside.

"Want a drink?" Stark says to whoever that guy is.
I go back to focusing on hiding. My plan was to break in the tower then go back out without anyone seeing me.

But how?

I mean, I'm already invisible but we're else am I going to hide?

I slowly walk out to the elevator and reverted back to being visible. I focused to the conversation again while walking slowly to my destined place.

"-sir please." "Jarvis not now, I'm in a middle of something." Jarvis? Who's Jarvis? "But sir, there is someone-"

"Ok what is it?" Stark said, staying in the same spot. "I have been trying to tell you that someone has broken in the tower. And that the person who broke in, is in this floor."

Insert dramatical turn. While Stark was turning, I got a glimpse of the guy that fell on the tower. Just as I thought, Loki.

I froze in my spot, not knowing what to do. "Who are you? How did you get in here?" Stark asked, probably annoyed cause he was interrupted with his talk. Should've stayed invisible then.

"I'm no one in particular, just a side character. I'm not important. Now, carry on with your conversation with," I pause to glance in his brain, to see what he calls this guy. I'm referring to Loki. "Reindeer games here. You got bigger problems, and I'm just a minor one."

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