Chapter 10: Old Or New, They Are Still Friends

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As the elevator opened, I knew it.
I went out and dashed towards my room. I unlocked my phone and went to the group chat as soon as I could.

If Peter and Ned are actually in the chat, who are they?

That was my first thought right after knowing they are in the chat. But I had to figure out which one they are. But now I know.

Tarantula P.P. is Peter Parker because of the P.P and Ned is Darth Vader since I heard both of them talking about a lego set featuring Star Wars and that Ned was the one who requested to put it together.

Crow: hi I'm back

Tarantula P.P: yo

Tarantula P.P: forgot to ask

Crow: what class am I in?

Tarantula P.P: yeahhhhh

Crow: well..

Crow: before saying anything

Tarantula P.P: what is it?

Crow: you're Peter Parker, right?

Tarantula P.P: how did you know?!

Crow: I'll tell you why tomorrow

Darth Vader: hey guys, what are you up to today?

Tarantula P.P: crow knows!

Darth Vader: knows what?

Crow: and you must be Edward Leeds

Crow: hehe jk Ned

Darth Vader: HOW?!!?!?! and also don't call me Edward. Ever.

Darth Vader: Ned is just fine :)

Crow: tomorrow you'll know

Crow: anyways, gtg ;}

Darth Vader: ok.. bye

Tarantula P.P: see you

I stretched my limbs, it has only been the first day in high school but there's a lot that happened already. I go out and headed to find Bruce.

"Jarvis, where is Dr. Bruce Banner right now?"
"Bruce is in his lab right down the corner. Do you want me to lead you there?"
I started walking to my desired stop.

"Thank you for the information but I think I can handle myself." I grinned to myself a bit. I rushed to his lab, needing help for homework. Using my 'gift' to carry my books.

I slammed the door open, "Dr. Banner! I need help!" He looks up from his work. He eyed my hands. "Sorry kid, Hulk can't really go-"
"No, I don't mean fighting; please don't assume I'm using my abilities just to fight someond. I need help for homework and some possible quizzes."

He goes 'ohh', he walked to the front welcoming me to his lab. He lead me to a table. I settled my things down. "I just need you to help me review and help me with some questions. Most based on your work." I see him unconsciously paint a small grin to himself.

He took some of my books, "So what do you need to review?" He skimmed through the book. "Just stuff and stuff." He nodded and we started to study.


After a few minutes or so, I gain the curiosity about Bruce. I had this feeling I wanted to ask him a question. But I'm still trying to find what the question is. "-ou okay?" I noticed Bruce waving his hand in front of me.

I shook my head; "I'm sorry, just got distracted by your lab." I laughed goofily. He nodded, "We have to move on to-"
I started to trail off again. Aha!

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