Chapter 5: Another Day, Another Time

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I wake up to another day, finally in a comfy bed. I relax to my surroundings, this is the life. I wanted to sleep more but then Romanoff entered my room. "Wake up, time for training."

"But it's 4 am, let me sleep for 9 hours." She gave me a look, her look is screaming 'we have to train NOW.' "I haven't slept like this." Saying it without a beat. I'm not intimidated nor interested.

"Since?" She said. "Since what?" I retorted, confused about what she said. "Since when have you slept like this?"

"I have never slept like this?" I gave her my confused look once and for all. "Ok, I'll come back at 8 am. You better come with me, ok?" She gave me permission to sleep more, yay. "Yes, ma'am." Then I put the covers over my body again and slept more. I miss sleeping, never done something like this; to sleep in a very comfortable bed that is very soft and nice for my back.


I wake up from the door slamming open. "Time for training." Romanoff said. I sit up and got up. "Please don't slam the door, you might break it. I don't have enough money to fix it."

I walk to my closet and open it, to realise I'm not in my apartment. "Oh yeah, clothes. Do you have that?" I look to Romanoff. "I'll ask them, but we have to train now." Who's them? Anyways.

We walk through the metal walls, I look everywhere in awe, this is like a place in a sci-fi movie. I see through the glass walls, viewing the Avengers doing their thing. "Wow, this place is huge."

Romanoff kept on walking until we reached the room, she opened the door to a training center. Where you have boxing stuff, treadmills, stuff for training. And yeah, your usual gym equipment. They also had lockers, bathrooms, and even showers in the room. Explains for the huge space it takes.

"You planned to do something, right?" I look over to her and she nodded. "We're starting with the punching bag," She walked towards the lockers. "But you'll need proper equipment. While your changing, I'll tell them to have more clothes for you." I opened the door and walked inside to see an outfit on the bench. I took the gym outfit and changed.


I folded my clothes and walked outside. I looked around but I didn't see Romanoff anywhere. I'm alone. I sensed the cameras watching me. Are they expecting me to do something? I went to the treadmill and ran for a bit. I stopped, drank water and tied my hair in a ponytail. I ran again.

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After a few minutes, Romanoff returns just when I turned the treadmill off. "Let's start training. But first, we need to warm up." We started stretching then moved on to jogging. After that, she taught me about boxing and self defence. She also taught me about techniques I could do; after some time, we were sparring with each other. She taught this cool move with her legs. It was awesome to say the least.

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