Chapter 4: A Start of Something

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Wow, I really didn't expect to end up in a cell. I wake up to see food. Mmm breakfast, something I didn't have for a long time.

Much wow, pancakes and omelette. This must be Valhalla! Well no but yess. I devoured the meal, seeing Loki glare in disbelief and disgust. His eyes filled with sass. I continue my meal.


After finishing breakfast, I thought to myself, can I use my magic to escape?

It's not that far fetched, so I could probably do so.

I touch the glass barrier, tried to create a hole big enough for me to escape.

And there. I go through but not forgetting to become invisible AND to leave an illusion of me 'sleeping'.

Freedom! I wonder if they looked at the content in my cameras, hope not. I thought about the recordings of them fighting.

I walk out to see a vault like door. I figured it would have some sort of code.

I stayed there for a while trying figure out the code when the door suddenly opened, two guys (chilling in the bathtub, five feet apart cause there not gay) walk in the room. They look heavily armed, I don't know who they are but I took the chance to get away from the place.

Remembering the format of the place, I ran to the elevator with the door almost closing. I'm in the elevator with Nick Fury. I believe it is him in the photo, but maybe it's actually someone else.

He pressed a button, the right button for me. The door opens up, and it's like a meeting place with lots of tech.

I walk behind the man and follow him to where the 'Avengers' are.

I could read everyone's thoughts. Some feel intrigued, some are stressed, and some are thinking about pop tarts.

"What's the case?" Pirate guy said.

"Loki is in the cell and so is the girl," Cap said, "we don't know who the girl is, but she is special." Tony finished what Steve said.

"Prepare an interrogation with the supposed girl." Pirate man said, but right after that, the two men I saw earlier came back with distress painted all over their faces.

"The girl is gone!" Number 1 said, hah I'm right here fools, hehehe.

Oh crap, I forgot the illusion. My gosh.

"What?!?" Pirate guy exclaimed and the Avengers assembled.

I had one job. One. Job.

"Where's her stuff anyways? She could be anywhere!" Pirate guy asked "Her belongings are in the same room where the scepter is." Bruce answered in a hurry.

They all bolted out of the room.

Remembering the map of the whole place in my head, I go to a hallway and go left to the room.

I'm doing my job by hacking stuff then going into the room see my lovely collection of trash!

I took my bag, in with my things and ran.

I ran so fast I forgot about the illusion I had on myself and tripped. When I got up, I saw Natasha again.

Oh noes.

I ran as fast as I could. I used my power to take down random things, I wouldn't know what they were, I was running.

Soon enough, the whole crew saw me. "Surrender, we don't want to make this worst."

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