Chapter 8: The Art of Dreaming

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"-time to wake up, Rae. Wake up!"

I open my eyes, seeing Natalie's face close up. "We'll be late for the first day of school, aren't you excited?" Seeing her innocent, naive look. That's how they treated me before but now...

"Wake up, Raven. Can't you wake up early for once? Your such a pain in the back." I get up, hearing her mutter something beneath her breathe. I wish Mom never picked up that box from the doorway.

I first thought the pain hurts, but know I have become numb to it. I realized, that was nothing. Until it got worse progressively..

"Hey! Why is there only four tickets to the carnival? I wanted to go to!"

"Your staying in the house while we go to the fair, that's final!"
"I'm the one who wanted to go in the first place! All of you ignored me until you actually got tickets but didn't 'buy enough because you ran out of money for five'."
"Don't use that tone, young lady! Your mother worked hard for these tickets!"

"Your lies will never work on me! You are millionaires! What do you mean can't buy enough? Liars!"
"Raven Maxell! You are grounded for a month!"
"Don't call me a Maxell, I'm not a fraud like you."

That's how I got this mark on my forearm, also why I wear a half-sleeved shirt or jackets  for most of the time.
That's when Earl Maxell, threw the fire from his hand, the one he produced towards me. I shrieked, painfully moved away from them. None of them tried to help or even had the sympathy to ask if I'm okay.

That's because no one will care.
No one cares about you, no one did.
Why do you think your an orphan?

Sweating profusely, I woke up with my fists clenched tightly. I relaxed with my position, knowing I was tense while seeing the dream. I can't with these memories.
Of all the things I can't do, I can't erase my own memory??

I get up to do my usual routine, one that I managed to make after the few weeks I was here.
After cleaning my face, I dry my face and head on to the kitchen (connected to the dining room). I saw the Avengers in a hurry.

"What's going on?" I ask Thor beside me who is somehow packing his mouth full of pop tarts. "Myrmm duyrk fermyrburb! Schaurjc!" I read his mind for clarification. We are heading to the forest! Not now! Mountains and forests!

"So you're camping?" I was surprised to hear Banner's voice answering my question, "Yes, technically yes. We are hurrying up since we are leaving in two minutes!" Ending the sentence, he ran to the direction of the lab. I shrugged and went to make myself some cereal. A simple breakfast for a simple girl. What a lie.

I ate my breakfast, seeing the Avengers looking around if everything was okay. "Everything is okay!" Clint assured the team. I followed them to the helipad, seeing quinjet. Now I know what the flying vehicle is called. Steve came up to me, "Take care, Raven. We are leaving you with Loki alone for a few days." Tony popped in, "And Pepper might casually visit to see you both!"

Natasha yelled "Everyone! Get in!"
"May we see each other again, Lady Raven." Thor said bye. "Don't call me that, and yeah, bye." I walked in, heading right into the living room.

With the knowledge that I'm alone, I plan to watch the movies I could never watch.
"Jarvis, what movies does Stark have?"

"There's quite a lot, madam," He spoke back, "Do you want me to narrow it down to a list?"
"Sure, do your thing." I lied down on the couch.
"I'd like to know what kind of movies you prefer."
"Hmm.. Horror? Movie adaptations of books and something animated, I guess."

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