Chapter 7: The Art of Sleeping

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This cycle goes on every 13th of the month, but I will always see the memory clearer when it's June 13.
I don't know why I can't ever forget this memory, or even control my own brain into erasing it.

I walk out my room, walking straight to the living room to chill.
I really need to know when it's 13 in every month. Especially in June..

I thought while walking to living room by myself. "Goo-" I stop and stared at the whole room. It's filled with people. I can't stay here.. I instantly bolted back to my room.

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They all look at each other with confused faces. What's up with her? They all thought. They just dismissed what happened.

I can't be around people after having that memory, tch..
I bump into someone, "Are you alrig-" I look up to see Nathaniel, I ran faster towards my room and slammed the door behind me.

Something is wrong with Raven. I just came up to say if she was alright after bumping into me but ran away as soon as she looked up at me, something's bothering her.. All she needs is a place to calm down. I'll leave her be.

Though, I saw a glimpse of what seems to be the past. Who's Nathaniel?

I lay down the bed, gasping for air. I have to..
Disconnect with the rest of the world..
I locked my door, and then went on to hit my own head in a fast mostion. Go away memory! Stop messing me up. This is really bad.

I tried to calm down about it on my bed I can't stop. I took a pillow and covered it on my face, trying to do what I did stop it last time. It's not working..
It always works before, why not now? Especially in this place, I can't be seen like this.

Now my eyes are crying, it couldn't get worst. Oh myyyyyy..
I'm going insane because of this episodes, every freaking 13 of a month.

I start to hit my head like that's going to do something.

It's fine, it won't happen again.
Just breath in and out.
It's just a memory, you will be fine.
It won't happen again, so you can stop.
Just let it happen.

Eventually, I stopped crying and fell asleep. It was tiring for my head, every time.

This is the last time this will happen. I won't let it happen again, I'll stop it next time.


I wake up, surprisingly, no more dreams. Yes, I do have dreams but what I mean is that I didn't see them anymore. Good sign.

I get up, needing a drink. I move my hand to the doorknob. I walk outside, rubbing my eyes.

I walk by the empty hallway, much wow. I pop in to the room where it happened. Just kidding, no.

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"How's the most amazing person in the world doing today?" Clint said jokingly to Tony, which he replied to "I don't know, how abo-"
"I'm kind of tired, but thanks guys." Raven suddenly said while walking across them.

She lifted her arm, reaching for the top shelf. Retrieving the piece of glass she needed, she filled it with Dihydrogen Monoxide (it's just water, my friend. no need to be extra).

She moves the cup leveled to her mouth, filling it with water. Her dry throat, like a drought being refilled with refreshing water, revives again.

She puts the cup down the sink, heading to the seat she wanted and sat down. "Where were you yesterday, kid?" Clint tried conversing with the teenager, to know the whole story behind her locking the door to her room.

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