Chapter 9: The Right Time for Learning

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A few months later

"Hey kid, wake up."  I opened my eyes from a dreamless slumber. "What?" I groggily got up and faced the voice. "We have to go tour your new school." I opened my eyes wider to see Tony. "Right now, right now?" He nodded.

"What time?" "About 8:30 am. Hurry up, it's 8:15."
I immediately shot up and bolted to the bathroom. I changed, brushed my teeth, and washed my face. I got out the bathroom and wore my shoes. I packed my bag in a flash and went straight out.

"You look like your in a hurry, what seems to be the problem?" Steve 'the concerned mom' Rogers questioned my motives.
"Just a tour in the new school. I have to go get food then go." After that I rushed to the kitchen and ate my toast with omelette. Then, I chugged the hot chocolate right after I finished making it. You would be surprised my tongue wasn't burned.
I met Stark at the living room, sitting down.

"Guessing your ready." He stood up. "Well, yeah. School is there and I'm hoping people won't think of anything weird being with you in the school."
I answered, because you know. hE's StArk, a FaMoUs PeRsOn.

"Don't worry about the paparazzi, I handle them very well," He lead the way towards the garage to his car. There, awaits a familiar face. "This is Happy, Happy Hogan. Don't let him intimidate you despite him," he faced me and dramatically took off his sunglasses. "-being the head of our security here." He wore the iconic sunglasses again, taking the purpose of removing it. Ladies and gents, Tony Stark.

Ohhhhhh, Happy. That guy. Yeah. "Hi, I'm Raven." Happy opened the car door and Tony entered first. I entered after he did and Happy closed the door. You know, cause that's how car doors work.
That's how any door works. They open and close.
"Are you excited?" Tony crashed my train of thought. "I guess." I shrugged in response.

"We're here." Mr. Hogan announced.
How. We just got in the car.
"Well, let's go." Stark stood up and opened the door. Well then.

Wow, I gaped at the whole place. "This place is bigger than my old house and school combined. Which makes sense, my old house is like a public toilet cubicle. It's very small."

"Get ready for change." Tony put his hand on my shoulder, gripping just the right amount. He then lead me inside the school. A lady approached us, she looked nervous indeed, "W-Welcome to Mid Town High School, Mr. Stark and Raven Maxwell."

A boy behind her stepped in front confidently. "I'm Eugene Thompson, call me Flash." He smiles like a narcissistic prick that he shows he is.

"He will be your guide for today, he will take you to every room that is necessary for your year here." She smiled, although I could sense it fake. "That's my call, kid. I'll leave you to the hands of this guy and Happy will pick you up after you are done. Ok?" I nodded, then he left me alone with this douche. Wait, hold on. It's already September? Wow, time flies fast.

"Here is your classroom. You can take a peek in to see who your going to be with this year," I looked at the small window of the door and the class. My focus was to this two dudes at the back. They have interesting thoughts. "I'm also in your class, so you know who to go to when your in need." I look over to Flash who winked. I rolled my eyes to the abyss. Why.

While walking through the hallway, he asked me out of curiosity, "What's your relationship with Tony Stark? Also when are you going to officially start school here? You can have my number if you tell me yours.~"

I cringed at the last phrase he said. "First of all, that information is highly classified. Secondly, I think tomorrow. And lastly, no. You know, for a tour guide," I paused to hear his thoughts. Is she going to say I'm good? Is this my chance? I can't stand it.

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