I promise (Cricket x Male! Silkwing! reader)

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Requested  by  startalon-the-NW! Enjoy! You  also  don't  have  your  wings  yet.

Your  p.o.v 

"Y/n! Take Blue and hide!" I screeched at you, fighting  off Hivewings. You nodded and took Blue to a place where there were a couple of sheds. Blue tapped  your shoulder. "Yes, Blue?" You asked. "Look." He said, pointing  to one of the sheds. A talon poked out of the door, urging you two to follow. You led Blue into the shed. The dragon shut the door and squeezed past you. She smelled like apples, and a tiny hint of lavender. "Let's go." She whispered. You and Blue followed her. Once in the light, you got a good look at your guys rescuer. She had speckles  on, and her scales were yellow and black. Wait.... black? Silkwings  never  had black scales. You glanced at Blue, he glanced back at you. The two of you both knew it. Your guys rescuer was a Hivewing.

Crickets p.o.v 

"Oh, wow! You two look amazing! You guys could  be seen from a mile away, your scales are so bright!" I examined, taking one other wrists and studying it. "My names Cricket!" I said. "I'm  Blue, and this is my friend, Y/n." Blue said. I nodded. Blue and Y/n." I murmed. "So, your a good Hivewing? Why aren't  you being mind  controlled by Queen Wasp? How do we know your not secretly being mind controlled?" Y/n asked. I giggled.  'I like this dragon!' "No, I'm  not being  secretly  being mind controlled  by her, and I don't  know why I'm  not being mind controlled!" I giggled. Y/n nodded.

(Time skip to your and Blues Metamorphosis)

Your p.o.v 

I watched as Blue became engulfed  in in his Flamesilk coccon. I smiled. Normal, grey silk started out of my wrists and wrapped  itself around me. Cricket smiled. "I'll be here when you come out. I promise." She said, just as my coccon engulfed me. I knew she would stay. She loved me, just as I loved her.

wings of fire x Seawing! reader one shots  (Not Taking Requests, Sorry!)Where stories live. Discover now