Speak to me! (Whirlpool x Female! Seawing! Mute! reader)

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This was requested by Luckythedragonet! Diamond that tells will be done when I've done the other requests, hope thats alright! Enjoy!

No one's p.o.v

Whirlpool let out a sigh as he approached Coral. She had spoken about a dragon that he would be working alongside.

"So? Where's this dragon?" He asked, looking around, but it was just Coral and Anemone with him. Anemone and Coral exchanged a glance.

"She's right behind you." Anemone said, and Whirlpool scoffed. Anemone could just be joking, but he looked behind him anyways. Behind him was a pretty Seawing, with f/c and 2f/c scales, and dazzling e/c eyes.

Hello. I'm Y/n. It's an honor to be working with you, Whirlpool. She flashed, and Whirlpools mind immediately spun into confusion. They weren't underwater, why was she speaking aquatic to him? On LAND?!

"Yes, you too, Y/n. But i would ask you not to communicate with me using aquatic on land unless it's for teaching, you can very well speak to me, and use your aquatic underwater. Let's go." He said, flying off of the platform. Y/n looked back at Coral.

I thought you said he was smart. She said, making Coral chuckle.

"Well, he's never met a mute Seawing before." She said, and Y/n smiled and took off after Whirlpool.

Time skip to a month later....

Your p.o.v

How stupid is he really?! It's been a month, and he still demands that I speak to him with my voice! I have no voice! My voice is aquatic!

"Speak. To. Me!" He snapped for the hundredth time. I rolled my eyes and stepped back from the scroll I was working on, gesturing to it.

Well, here's the scroll. How do you like it? I asked, and Whirlpool groaned in anger, but he read the scroll. He seemed to be surprised by what it read. I gave a small smile. Maybe he would finally be able to understand!

"You could have just told me, you know." He said suddenly, and my smile grew.

Nope. You could've figured it out very easily, ya squid brain! Seriously, have you never met a mute Seawing before?  I teased, and he looked away from me in embarrassment and humiliation.

"Yes. I could've figured it out. Sorry for calling you weak all those times. I really am." He said, and I chuckled, wrapping my wing around him.

Hey. It's fine, Whirl. I forgive you.

"Thanks, Y/n. Now, let's work on a new scroll, shall we?"

After you, Whirl.

Hope you enjoyed! Also, here's a small bonus for the scroll! Enjoy!

She couldn't speak. She could only flash her scales.

One dragon couldn't see why she didn't speak.

That dragon was a fellow Seawing.

A teacher.

And he had a voice.

She wondered when he would find out.

She knew he may never know.

But that didn't stop her.

She wrote this scroll.

This is her voice, and so are her scales.

She cannot speak.

For she is mute.

For she is never to speak words.

For she is to only communicate with scales, and no words.

Because she is mute.

That's the scroll! Hope y'all liked it! Also I found this it's hilarious 😂

That's the scroll! Hope y'all liked it! Also I found this it's hilarious 😂

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