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Hi everyone, I just really need to vent some stuff atm. It's currently 12:00 at night rn and I'm pulling a b-day all-nighter. But the bad thing is is that my parents are fighting and since it's my birthday tomorrow my Mom brought me up in the fight saying that my Dad hasn't been the same person since I was born and it made me feel feelings I haven't felt in a long time. Basically I used to see suicidal but I got better thanks to my friends comforting me and hanging out with me lots. What she said made me feel as though I'm an accident and it hurt me lots. She also made it seem like my little brother is also an accident and that we're the reason they fight so much. My Dad does truck work for co-op from two to five days so he's not home alot. Sorry for not updating I've just been hit with alot of stress and last month Mom and Dad almost divorced. Thanks for listening  to me vent it really makes me feel a bit better. Hope you all have  a great day afternoon or night

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