Fire and Ice (Peril x Male! Icewing! Jade Winglet! reader)

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3rd person  p.o.v

"Ack! Hey! Careful! You could've  burnt those!" A voice rang out through the halls of Jade Mountain Academy, catching the attention of Icewing. The Icewing was named y/n, and was in the Jade Winglet. He blinked as the Skywing, Peril, stumbled in, her face twised up in annoyance.

"Let me guess, Winter?" Y/n asked, closing up his scroll. Peril nodded and flopped down into her bed, smoke rising up from her scales.

"I wish I was an Icewing! Then I wouldn't have to worry about burning up everything!" She exclaimed, throwing up her arms dramatically. Y/n chuckled, making Perils scales heat up more.

"I wish that I was a Skywing, so I could breath fire!" He exclaimed, making Peril laugh, making Y/n laugh.

The next day....

Perils p.o.v

What's wrong with me? I heat up a bit more than usual around Y/n. I just want to feel his cool scales, freezing away the uncontrollable fire inside me. Well, if that happened, I probably wouldn't survive! Hes not even afraid to challenge Winter! He's just so brave! And charming! And cute! And-

"Peril! Are you alright?!" Turtle exclaimed, snapping me out of my thoughts. He looked at me, a confused and slightly amused face on him.

"Yea! I was just thinking!" I said quickly, my eyes darting to his face and then to the hall, where I saw Y/n circling Winter, growling.

"Ok, good. Winter just called you Scarletts Murderous Monkey, which ticked Y/n off." Turtle whispered, and he stopped walking as some other students stopped what they were doing to watch the two Icewings.

'Y/n, don't do anything stupid!'

Your p.o.v

"Winter! That's the last straw! I'm sick of you calling Peril Scarletts Murderous Monkey!" I snarled, ceasing my walk to face the Icewing. Winter growled and spoke, his voice tainted with venom.

"Oh, are you, now? Are you going to fight me?" He taunted, making the ice rise deep within me.

"No. I'm not. I'm going to tell you why I'll never stop snapping at you when you insult her, and why I love her." I hissed, and Winters enraged expression was replaced with a confused one, and the students around us let out a few encouraging cheers.

"One, she's beautiful, smart, kind and funny, not a murderous monster like you think she is. She's different, which is why I love her. I love her with all my heart. We may be different tribes, but I don't care. I love, love, love her. Her dazzling eyes, her scales that can burn you to a crisp, those are just amazing! You could've been a good friend to her, but you decided to pick on her." I said, every word flowing out of my mouth, and I meant all of it. I turned to see Peril, slowly walking towards me, and Turtle nodded at me.

"Y/n, i- I love you too." She said, gazing up at me, and the hallway exploded into cheers and clapping, and Peril hugged me as best as she could.

"Well, well, well! I never thought I'd see the day!" Tsunami called, making me and Peril chuckle. Now, though? Nothing could stop us from loving eachother. We were Fire and Ice.

wings of fire x Seawing! reader one shots  (Not Taking Requests, Sorry!)Where stories live. Discover now