Her queen (Glory x female! Rainwing! reader)

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No one's p.o.v




The silent dragon landed on a branch, looking down at the newcomers. Her eyes followed their every move. Her tribe made swift moves, leaving only the Nightwing and the Rainwing. They talked. And talked. And talked. Finally, Jambu looked up into the trees, the other Rainwing following his gaze, and the Nightwing following the Rainwings. They looked directly at the Rainwing. The Rainwings scales were light green, with light brown wings, frills, horns and talons. Her name was y/n. Different from her lazy tribe, she was always out if the village. She only came in to report suspicious activity, to eat, and then out again. She leaped away towards the village, silently jumping from branch to branch. She looked down from her platform, a very private one, as everyone prepared for their naps. The newcomers were even taking naps! Y/n dug her talons into the platform as she stared down at the Rainwings and Newcomers. Lazy, so, so, so lazy! She flew away silently and sat at the top of her favorite tree. She breathed in the air. How beautiful. How sweet smelling. How comforting.

"I saw you in that tree. Why aren't you napping?" A voice spoke. Y/n turned her head around to see the Rainwing Newcomer.

"I'm not lazy like everyone else is. I patrol and work." She said, the Rainwing sitting beside her.

"What's your name? I'm Glory." The Rainwing said, and y/n smiled.

"My name's Y/n, Glory. Nice to meet you." She said, standing up and spreading her wings out. Glory nodded slowly.

"I'm heading out for patrol. Want to come?" Y/n asked, ready to jump down and patrol her home. Glory nodded, and Y/n soared down, Glory following her. They darted past sloths, startling them, and picked fruit, gathering the fruit for the village. Y/n knew that Glory wasn't lazy. She was just like her. Active and working.

After  the first series....

Glorys p.o.v

Y/n sat beside me, our tails twined. I was queen of the Rainwings! Of course, we'd let Tsunami sit in it from time to time, since she was also royalty. Y/n leaned against me, cuddling me. She was perfect. She was usually out on patrol, but when she wasn't, she was with me on our throne, a beautiful flower crown on her head, and a small teardrop necklace around her neck. Sometimes, Kinkajou would come around and treat y/n like a sister. They got along very well. That made me happy. But, we were inseparable. By heart, by love. I was her queen, and she was my dragon in distress. And I love her.

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