Valentines day (Riptide x Icewing!reader)

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Your p.o.v

Valentines day. The whole of Prryhira was buzzing with love. Here and there, couples were together. And me? I was alone. I was one of Queen Glaciers soldiers in the war, witch earned me some nasty scars. One ran down from my eye down to my tail. Of course, I like someone, but I'm not sure he likes me back. His name is Riptide. He's a Seawing and, like me, he was a solider in the war. I know him pretty well, too. That's because we're both in the Talons of Peace. Today, the Talons were having a get together with their love. I was goning to be there, lonely of course.

Riptides p.o.v

Ok, I got this, right? She'll say yes, right? Who am I thinking about, you ask? I'm thinking about my friend, who's also my crush, Y/n. She's an Icewing, a single one, too. I walk up to her cave and peek my head in. I see her play with a small stone figure, I glance at the scar that ran down from her eye to her tail. Pretty nasty if you ask me. I clear my throat. Her heads shoots up and her E/c look into mine. "So, the Talons are having a party tomorrow, yes?" I say, sitting beside her. She nods. "So, I was thinking, oh, how do I say this, would you like to-" "Stop. This is a prank and I know it." She says, cutting me off. I flinch. "Wouldyouliketobemyvalentine?" I say suddenly, so fast I'm not sure she understood. She looks at me, surprised. I smile at her. She sighs. "Good one." She replies, looking down. "Y/n, I'm serious. Your the most beautiful dragon I've ever seen, your dazzling E/c make my heart flutter, your scales are shiner than a rainwings. I love you." I say. She turns to me, smiling. "Well, in that case, of course." She says, leaving her cave. When she's gone, I fly outside and do flips in the air, cheering.

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