Emerald Steel ~ Lock and Key

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Well, this was entertaining to write. I had to remind myself I didn't need to write an entire story, I just needed to have enough plot for this one chapter. If it seems weird, that's probably why.

Prompt from gammaxmen: I think for your first Emerald Steel, you should have Supergirl fight Cupid when she kidnaps Oliver. Show her who owns Oliver's heart. Chain and lock.

This takes place around the beginning of Arrow Season 6. Also, my apologies if I butchered Cupid's character - I only know what I looked up about her. And apologies if I've screwed up canon . . . it's loosey goosey in this book.


Oliver honestly wished Carrie Cutter would decide whether she believed he was the love of her life or that love was a complete and utter lie. And would stop showing up at the worst times possible. Though it made a sick kind of sense that she would show up when he was on a date with his girlfriend.

"So," he began, wincing as he rolled his head around. Wow, that drug had packed a punch. "I see you got out of prison."

"I did," Carrie folded her arms, smirking as she stood in front of him. "I got out and I came to find the man I'm meant to be with, except what do I find in all of the gossip columns? My man, with another woman on his arm."

Oliver just barely held back from rolling his eyes. Gossip columns. They always tried to find a way to paint a picture of Oliver's love life that was never true. For instance, this time around, they were trying to show his girlfriend was a journalist he was trying to seduce into writing things the way he wanted them written, or she was a gold digger looking to getting a big break in her writing career.

Like Oliver could really tell the gossip columns how they really met.


"Team Arrow is here," Felicity pointed to Oliver, John, and Thea before turning to face the five on the other side of the hangar. "Team Legends is here." She spun around, tilting her head. "Is that everyone?"

"I think so?" the newest Wells on Team Flash, called H.R., answered, though he didn't sound too sure of himself.

"Nate and Amaya are back watching the Waverider," Sara explained. "The newbies."

A whooshing sound and a flash of grey-blue diverted Oliver's eyes from Sara to behind the computer stations. Barry and Cisco jumped out of a swirling mass of grey and blue energy . . . and they weren't alone. Oliver couldn't help but raise an eyebrow as he took in the blonde woman with them, dressed in what could have passed as a blue and red cheerleading outfit, a red cape falling just past her knees. "That was cool," she giggled, grinning widely.

"Guys!" Barry grinned, leading the two into the hangar. "Thanks for coming."

"Barry, I thought you were bringing an alien," Oliver's eyes slid back to the blonde woman.

"And, yeah," Barry nodded, looking back at her as well with a smile, which the blonde returned. "We did." He turned back around, gesturing to the blonde woman. "Everybody, this is my friend, Kara Danvers. Or, as she's known on her Earth, Supergirl."

Oliver considered the blonde – Kara – as she rubbed her hands together and gave everyone a shy smile. "What makes her so super?" Jax asked from where he stood behind Sara.

Barry got a mischievous look in his eyes that Oliver wasn't certain he liked. "Well?" he prompted, looking behind him at Kara.

Kara took a deep breath, then bent her knees and jumped. Oliver heard Thea gasp beside him as Kara flew into the air, then her eyes lit up blue-white. Beams of light shot from her eyes, and Oliver quickly turned to see the beams trace a symbol into the concrete between his team and Sara's. When she was finished, smoke was rising from the burning symbol Kara had carved into the concrete: the same symbol on her chest, an S in a diamond crest.

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