Scarlet Canary ~ No Strings On Us ~ Part One

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Prompt from gammaxmen: Or instead of Snart, Barry recruits Sara for help with breaking into ARGUS, kind of like "A Call Away?"

Ergo, this takes place during The Flash 3x22 "Infantino Street" and towards the beginning of Legends 2x14 "Moonshot."

Also dedicated to AllyBPBR, who has written beautifully for this pairing before, and I hope I do these two justice.

Can I just say I had way too much fun with this prompt, so much that I really hope you guys give me the answer I want at the end of this?


"Are you serious?" Joe protested, sure he hadn't heard what he thought he had just heard.

"Yeah," Barry nodded, looking around at his team. "Yeah, if Lyla won't let us have the Dominators' tech, then we are gonna break into ARGUS, and we're gonna steal it. Wally and I will phase through the walls. We'll be in and out of there before anyone even gets off a shot."

Wally nodded in agreement, but Cisco spoke up. "Uh, hello? No, you won't."

"Yeah, we – " Barry began.

Cisco tapped his keyboard, and H.R. shot to his feet, pointing at the device Cisco had pulled up. "What is that?"

"That is a metahuman power dampener," Cisco answered. "And it's all over the building, so you can't use your powers inside."

Barry seethed, mind spinning with ideas to try. "Can we use anything else to power this Speed Force gun?" Joe asked.

"Speed Force bazooka," H.R. corrected.

"Bazooka," Joe nodded.

"Nothing else," Cisco shook his head grimly. "Manipulating extra-dimensional energy requires . . . well, a ridiculous amount of energy, and the Dominator tech's the only thing that can do that."

"Hey," H.R. perked up. "I have – I have an idea, gang. What if we just put you, put Iris on a plane to Paris – "

"No," Barry shook his head.

"Or somewhere far away?"

"There's nowhere on Earth that Savitar wouldn't find her," Barry looked over at his sister, who was chewing her lip anxiously. "Guys, stealing this Dominators' tech is our only option, all right?"

"Barry, ARGUS is more secure than the Pentagon," Iris told him. "If your powers don't work in there, how are you gonna get past security?"

"OK," Cisco took a deep breath. "This is what we're dealing with: surveillance cameras."

"I'm out," H.R. shook his head.

"Eye scans."


"Palm prints, heat sensors."


"Laser sensors."

"They really thought of everything, didn't they?" H.R. grimaced, rubbing the back of his head.

"That's just the first floor," Cisco agreed.

"So you're saying this is the most fortified structure in the history of fortified structures, they can't use their superpowers, and we have less than 14 hours to steal the thing," Joe gestured at the schematics, swallowing hard.

"And none of us are master thieves or spies," Iris sighed.

When "thieves" left Iris's mouth, Barry's mind spiraled one way. When she said "spies" it went a completely new way. "No," he said slowly. "No, we're not."

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