Scarlet Canary ~ Central City 2024

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Prompt from gammaxmen: What about a prompt about Sara meeting Future Barry in the future where Iris dies, murdered by Savitar?

Well, here we finally are. It took me months, but I finally did it. Over 6.8K words, and I hope it's worth the long wait.

Also, apparently since a lot of people have started shipping Danson (Slade/Alex) since the last one-shot, I'll add them to the list of pairs I'll write one-shots for. So, if there's a scenario you want to see for them, you can always request!

The future scenes take place during The Flash 3x19 "The Once and Future Flash," but for Team Flash, it's right after the Grodd arc, so recognizable content is from The Flash 3x14 "Attack on Central City." For Sara, it's after 2x13 "Land of the Lost."


So first the Waverider crashed in the past, then the jumpship decided to crash after Sara made sure it was still in good condition. Perfect.

She groaned, rubbing her forehead and hearing alarms beep. "Gideon?" she called, then shook out her head when it rang. She pushed up on the harness she was in, managing to get to her feet. "Gideon!" she tried again.

"I'm here, Captain," the female voice said, and Sara sighed in relief, leaning against her chair as she tried to get her bearings

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"I'm here, Captain," the female voice said, and Sara sighed in relief, leaning against her chair as she tried to get her bearings. "Are you all right?"

"Yeah, Gideon, I'm fine," Sara rubbed her temples. "How's the jumpship?"

"I'm running diagnostics now

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"I'm running diagnostics now. However, it would be best to leave the jumpship be while I calculate what repairs will need to commence."

"And while the Waverider is called?" Sara smirked.


"Well, you know the ship better than me, Gideon," Sara shrugged. "Have at it. Mind telling me where we are first, though?"

"I believe we are in Central City, February 3, 2024."

"Central City?" Sara perked up, smiling. "Hey, Gideon, can you tell how far from S.T.A.R. Labs we are? Or whose place is closest to where we are?"

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