Death Siren ~ When No One Expects You To Be ~ Part Two

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Well, I didn't expect it to take so long to get this out, but better late than never, right? I enjoyed writing this part, too - it was certainly entertaining writing Laurel into this episode instead of Oliver.

Part two of two covering "Promises Kept." Hope everyone enjoys!


"You should have stayed dead."

Laurel winced at the cold tone Joe used. "So much for the family reunion," she murmured, sliding along the wall to try and hear better.

"I heard you were in trouble, kid," Slade responded after a moment. "And so I thought I'd offer my help."

"My old man here to save me," Joe scoffed. "Last I saw, you weren't all that concerned with saving anyone." She heard a gun cock, and she tensed, gripping the wall behind her. "Apple doesn't fall that far. What do you think? Patricide?"

"Yeah, you can have that choice, but I'll give you another one," Slade interrupted

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"Yeah, you can have that choice, but I'll give you another one," Slade interrupted. "Let me join you."

"If I wanted a family reunion, I would've sent an invitation!" Joe snapped.

"Maybe you did, but you just haven't realized it yet, kid," Slade said. "See, I came all this way to talk with you, and I will kill anybody who gets in my way because I got nothing left to lose, only you. So go ahead and make a decision."

There were a few seconds of silence, and Laurel was ready to jump out from behind cover to back him up when she heard the click of a safety being engaged. "I'd be lying if I said I wasn't swayed by the poetry of it all," Joe said dryly. "But can I trust you?"

"Trust is built upon honesty," Slade answered. "I am sure you have a lot of questions to ask me, and I've got a lot of questions for you, Joe."

"That's not my name anymore."

"Your mother named you something different to keep us apart."

"OK," Joe finally said. "Guess we got some catching up to do."

One pair of booted feet left, followed by a second, heavier set, and Laurel closed her eyes in relief, letting out her breath slowly.

Slade was safe.


"Excuse the poor accommodations," Joe gestured around. "I don't plan on staying in this stain of a country too long."

"Well, there's a reason why they say the money is in the muck," Slade remarked, looking around where Joe had led him.

"I did bring one luxury, however," Joe told him, placing a bottle on the table Slade sat at.

Slade raised an eyebrow, surprised. "Oh, there's a blast from the past," he said, picking up the bottle and examining it. "My favorite. I never realized you'd acquired a taste for it, too."

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