Emerald Steel ~ Seven Years

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Prompt from CourtneyVanderDussen: I think it would be interesting to do a prompt where Mon-el is only gone for 7 months and it's been 7 years for Kara. And she's married to Oliver and has a family, or what ever way you want to work it.

I thought this would be simple, quick and easy to write. What did I end up writing? 20 pages in Word, 10.8K+ words. That's a chapter in a normal book, not a normal one shot!

Anyway, hope everyone enjoys. A few rare pairs - crackships, really, because I took this prompt and went "what kind of ships could happen?" and just went with it, so if you don't agree with some of them, that's OK - along with mainly memories. Plus, it's from someone's point of view that's not Kara or Oliver, so I hope this isn't so confusing.


The last thing Mon-El remembered before he went into cryosleep was Imra's determined face, her desire to kill the Blight and avenge her sister clear in her eyes.

The first thing Mon-El realized when he woke up from cryosleep was the nagging feeling that they weren't in the 31st century yet. So what had caused him to wake up?

A quick examination of the other cryotubes revealed his fellow Legionnaires had not woken yet. That didn't help him at all, Brainy knew this ship better than him. Hell, anyone from the 31st century would know this ship better than him, he was originally from the 21st century, for Rao's sake!

He heard a sizzling sound from nearby, and internally cursing his luck, he hurried to the ship's armory and grabbed the first gun he saw, preparing himself to shoot whoever had boarded the ship. He could hear voices buzzing from nearby, so clenching his jaw, he moved around the corner and aimed.

The next thing he knew, he received a humming ice blue gun, a buzzing armored fist, and a gauntleted fist in his face. He didn't recognize the first two figures, but he did recognize the third.

And apparently the third figure recognized him, too, because he let out a surprised squawk and lowered his hand. "What the frak?" he sputtered.

"Cisco?" Mon-El croaked, lowering his gun.

The owner of the ice blue gun, who was wearing a navy parka for some reason, turned and frowned at Cisco while the man in the armored suit blinked and lowered his arm. "You know him?" the man in the parka asked.

"Yeah," Cisco swallowed. "Mon-El?"

The man in the parka was the one who blinked this time, and the man in the armored suit did a double take. "Wait, Mon-El?" he asked, looking at Mon-El in surprise. "As in – ?"

"Yeah, that Mon-El," Cisco frowned. "What the hell are you doing here? And alive?"

Mon-El swallowed hard. "Can you help me?" he asked the Earth-1 native.

Cisco pursed his lips, looking around at the cryotubes. "With what?"


"OK, so let me get this straight," Cisco rubbed his forehead as he watched Mon-El help Imra and Brainy check the cruiser over. "You went through an actual wormhole and ended up a thousand years in the future?"

"Yep," Mon-El nodded.

"And in the process joined a group of superheroes to watch over the entire universe?"

"Mon-El formed us," Imra smiled at him. "He did so in Supergirl's image."

The man in the armored suit, who Cisco had called Ray, cleared his throat while the man in the parka, who Cisco had called Leo, smirked and muttered "Awkward." "OK," Cisco sighed, looking around. "Well, as much as I would love to get my hands on this tech and help you out, we gotta tell the D.E.O. you're back. They can probably help you, too."

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