Scarlet Canary ~ No Strings On Us ~ Part Two

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Wel, I always seem to underestimate how long something is going to take me. Hey, about the same length as the last half, though.

This is a continuation of the previous prompt, tying up a few loose ends. Recognizable content is from Legends of Tomorrow 2x17 "Aruba" and The Flash 3x23 "Finish Line."



"He is necessary."

Those three words rang in Sara's head as she sat in her office on the Waverider, her finger tracing the top of the glass she had just finished drinking from. She could feel eyes burning into the back of her head, and she sighed, spinning around. "OK, let me hear it."

"After all he's done, you're letting him live?" Amaya demanded, storming up the steps into the office, trailed by a nervous-looking Ray, a timid Nate, and a mostly expressionless Rip. "Changing time, killing Rex, changing reality itself? And he gets to just sit in a cell?"

Sara's eyes slid to the other three. "Anyone else have anything to add?"

"Uh," Nate cleared his throat. "Just – just wondering when we got a pair of power-dampening cuffs."

"Sara," Rip took a cautious step forward. "I have admired how you have led the team, however . . . with what Thawne has done to all of us – "

"I planned on letting that . . . whatever it was . . . deal with him," Sara explained, standing up and walking around her office. Something was keeping her unnerved, even though she knew Thawne didn't have anything on them now. Merlyn, Darhk, and Leonard were back to their proper times, and Thawne was back in a cell, complete with cuffs she . . . borrowed . . . from S.T.A.R. Labs. So what was bothering her? "But something . . . happened instead."


The stunned look on Thawne's face was priceless when he opened his eyes and realized nothing was happening around him. "I may have made one small change to reality," Sara smirked.

He scowled, glaring at her. "You negated the Spear." Sara lifted her head proudly, and Thawne scoffed, hefting the spear up. "Well, I guess we'll just have to do this the old-fashioned way. I am going to drive this through your heart."

Before he could move forward, an inhuman roar came from behind Sara. Thawne froze in place, and Sara's smirk widened. "Yeah, about that . . . "

The speedster that had been following Thawne all this time flashed into existence behind Sara, roaring loudly. "No," Thawne whispered, eyes widening as his face drained of color.

He sped forward, as if trying to outrun his fate, and Sara turned around to see the other speedster grab Thawne by the neck, raising his hand to thrust into Thawne's heart. But the speedster froze for a split second, then shoved his hand into Thawne's shoulder instead. Thawne yelled in pain, and the speedster took the Spear and knocked Thawne out with it. He disappeared in red lightning, and Sara whipped around to see all of Thawne's other selves fade out of existence.

Her view was obscured by a horribly scarred, cowled face, and she inhaled sharply. The speedster roared in her face . . . then spoke for the first time.

"He is necessary."

Sara merely blinked, and the speedster vanished, leaving Thawne slumped on the ground. She looked back at the yellow-clad speedster, watching him for any sign of movement as her team, and her future self, got back to their feet.

What had that monster meant?


"He is necessary?" Amaya's voice was the highest Sara had ever heard it. "What could he be necessary for?"

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