Emerald Steel & Scarlet Canary ~ With Joyful Ring

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It's still January 1 for me, so Happy New Year, everyone! And it's the eighth day of Christmas, so this is technically a Christmas gift as well as a New Year's gift. Huzzah!

Prompt from gammaxmen:  Christmas double date with SuperArrow and Scarlet Canary. I think Oliver and Sara couldbe friendly dating with Barry and Kara, and I think under a mistletoe, Olivercould be kissing Kara and Barry, Sara.

Well, I didn't get the mistletoe, and I'm not entirely sure the majority of the prompt is the date (I'm still getting used to writing one-shots, lol), but I smiled a lot while writing it. Hopefully you'll all enjoy this, too!


"Oh, wow," Kara took another gulp of goodness from her thermos, smacking her lips afterwards. "Oh, that's good." She frowned, taking another look inside. "Actually, this tastes just like the cocoa Ruby got me for Secret Santa . . . "

"That's the wonder of Gideon!" Kara turned around to see Sara poke her head out of the racks of evening dresses they were looking through, the blonde grinning at her. "She knows exactly what you like."

"Huh," Kara blinked, then turned back to the rack she was looking through. "Way to go, Gideon."

"OK, so," Sara walked out, holding up two different hangers. "Red or black?"

"Uh . . . " Kara chewed her lip, tilting her head back and forth, trying to decide. "Wow."

"You do know who you're dating, right?" Both turned to look at the black-haired woman sitting in the chair nearby, a bag of caramel popcorn in her hand. "Trust me," Zari pointed at the dress in Sara's right hand. "Go with the red."

Sara looked at the velvet dress, then nodded. "Red it is, then." She put the black one back on the rack. "Your turn, Kara!"

"Why are we doing this here?" Kara rolled her eyes, but obediently put her thermos down and turned to look through the dresses on her side of the store. "We could've easily done this on the Waverider!"

"Yeah, but actually shopping is fun, too!" Sara called from her dressing room.

"She has a point," Alex chimed in, then looked to the side when there was a ding from her girlfriend's phone. "Business?"

"Actually, I told Ruby that an AI can apparently copy the cocoa she got Kara," Sam answered, chuckling and checking her messages. "She doesn't know how to take that."

Kara sighed, picking one dress she liked and holding it out. "What do you think?"

"Not silver," Sam immediately shook her head. "Not if you're going for velvet."

"Definitely not," Alex agreed.

"Gold is more your color anyway," Zari added.

Kara frowned thoughtfully. "Gold," she mused, looking further down the line of dresses.

"I'm still trying to figure out how we got here," Sara remarked.

"That's easy," Alex smirked. "Earth-X."

Kara ducked her head, blushing, and Sara's laughter came from the dressing room. "Right on point, Danvers!"

"Shut up," Kara groaned.

"From what I've heard, she's right," Sam looked at Kara. "Both with her and Barry, and you and Oliver."

Kara couldn't help but smile. "Yeah. She's right."

After all, it had been Oliver who faced down his Nazi doppelgänger to rescue her from S.T.A.R. Labs and had risked his entire Earth to tell Black Arrow he wasn't giving up Kara just for Kara's heart to be removed and given to her own Nazi doppelgänger: Black Arrow's wife, Overgirl. It had been Oliver who had come to her, concerned for her health after being under the red sun for so long and after she was caught in Overgirl's nuclear meltdown. And it was Oliver who offered his home for her to stay in when she needed to breathe after Mon-El's return from the future. From there, she watched him try and stay strong, for both his son and his city, when he faced betrayal from Rene, Curtis, and Dinah, and when Cayden James launched his attack on the city. And when he needed strength of his own, she stepped up to the challenge, offering what comfort she could give him and his son, William. By the time Kara realized she was in love with Oliver, she had fallen head over heels in love, and found Oliver felt the same way. She had never felt relief like she had when the judge overseeing Oliver's trial cleared him of charges, even though it had been J'onn masquerading as the judge as a last Hail Mary play.

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