Death Siren ~ Aggressive Negotiations ~ Part One

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Not the Scarlet Canary fic I mentioned at the end of the last chapter, nor is it an Emerald Steel one. I got inspired by EmpressOfFandomzzz and decided to try my first attempt at Death Siren . . . and of course, because I'm an overachiever, it's ending up a two-shot instead of a one-shot like originally planned. Hey, the more the merrier for you guys, right?

This is a prompt I came up with myself, and it's pretty simple:

An AU version of "Deathstroke Returns" and "Promises Kept" with one twist - Slade recruits Laurel to help find Joe instead of Oliver.

A bit ambitious, but I hope everyone likes what I've put together so far! Comments are always welcome.

P.S., I don't know why I went as nuts as I did with the gifs of Black Siren, but enjoy gifs of her being a queen.


It took two weeks for Laurel to decide one hundred percent that being a lawyer was Not Fun with a capital N and T. Then again, that was what she got for trying to become Laurel Lance in the first place.

She signed off on another report and sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose as she reached for her coffee cup. Hearing Chase had kidnapped William had struck a nerve with her, especially after she saw how desperate Oliver was to get him back. It hadn't taken her long to flee the fight and reach William first, choosing to leave after she had sent the replacement Canary through the wall opposite her. He had understandably not been very happy to see her, but when she had screamed at Chase and knocked that damn gun out of his hand to stop him from shooting himself, she had endeared himself to him pretty quickly.

Not that Felicity had liked that, because of course it was a crime for William to like the woman who saved his mother's life more than his father's (ex)-girlfriend. She liked the blonde alien who kept showing up from some other Earth much better . . . though she still wasn't sure how she had shown up.

Anyway. Lawyer. When some idiot had released Oliver's photo of being the Green Arrow to the public, a photo of her in Star City was also released, and not long after that, Oliver, Quentin, and Thea were being swarmed with questions about her survival. She had pulled the biggest act of her life, showing up at the SCPD and pretending to be Laurel Lance who just escaped from Damien Darhk's captivity. Oliver and Thea still hadn't completely forgiven her for that.

And somehow, Star City thought that having their beloved Laurel Lance meant that she was automatically ready to leap back into the Assistant District Attorney position. Of course, since Laurel had to pretend she really was Earth-1's Laurel Lance, she couldn't really say no.

She was really regretting that now.

A knock on her door made her groan and look up, mentally preparing herself for the next case she was about to get. She was surprised, however, when one of the office runners walked in with a coffee cup and what looked like an envelope. "What is it?" she asked, taking out as much negativity out of her voice as possible.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Lance, but these were delivered to the front desk for you," the runner told her apologetically.

Laurel raised an eyebrow, taking the envelope first. "The coffee, too?"

"It has your name on it, so I believe so."

Laurel hummed, curiosity piqued as she took the cup, too. "Thank you." The runner nodded and left, and Laurel opened the envelope, finding a handwritten note inside. It was short and to the point, and in handwriting Laurel had only seen once before.

 It was short and to the point, and in handwriting Laurel had only seen once before

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