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Noelle's POV

I ate gummybears almost all day, I love it. We did nothing all day, we do need to go somewhere on Monday.


They said that school isn't that much important. Woohoo!

"Elle! Wanna eat?" Mike yelled. Everyone was gone, so..

"Sure. Where?" I stood up.

"Maybe at Maccas? Then we can go somewhere after that." Mike suggested.

"Okay." I said running to the door.


We were sitting at a booth and we had a lot of food at our table. People must think we don't eat!

"Yum." Mike grinned. His mouth was filled with spaghetti.

"I'm almost done." I announced. He was eating faster and before I knew it he finished drinking his soda.

I was gaping at him.

"I thought you were almost done?" he smirked. He burped and made an 'oops' face. It was so cute. Gangsters aren't supposed to be cute!

I finished my food and we went to the toy store.

"Oh! Oh! I've always wanted this one." Mike said cheerfully pointing at an action figure.

"Want me to buy it for you?" I laughed bringing out my wallet. It was like I was with a little kid.

"Oh no it's okay, I mean yeah, but of course it's so embarrassing- yes please." he blabbered.

I laughed and he took the toy, I paid for it then we went back to the car.

He fell asleep in the car. Oh my god. I sound like a mother or babysitter! Buying him toys, driving him home, with him asleep in the back!

It was a very quiet ride.

"Ellie, are you all right?" Mike asked. I lightly jumped, I didn't know he was awake.

"Uh.. yeah. Why?" I giggled. Why is he asking this?

"Okay. Its just.. I had a nightmare." he said sitting up. Okay...

"About what?" I asked. What happened in that dream that made him worry?

"I don't wanna talk about it." he quietly answered. What happened?

"Okay. Uh.. we're here." I said stopping the car. We went inside the hotel and got up to our room.

"Hey! Where were you guys?" Emma asked. "We were gonna prank some people." Emma added.

"We ate at Maccas at we went to a toy store." Mike explained. He still looks...  scared?

"Hey, Ellie? On Monday, we're going to a party. Okay? We're going to do a little heist." Ashton smirked.

A heist? For real?

"You and Emma need to distract some people for us, okay? Wear something casual, be nice, distract and most of all. Lie to them." Calum said with an evil face.

It's Saturday, I have a lot of time to practice. You can do this Noelle, you can do this.

"Let's go to Mall Of Asia." Luke suggested.

"But we just got here!" Mike pouted. Luke marched over to him and pinched Mike's lips.

"I. Don't. Care." Luke said trying to be tough. But failed after he laughed like a little kid.

"Get the car ready!" Emma ordered.

"Ma'am yes Ma'am!" we said in unison.

We all went down and got inside the car.


The ride wasn't like the other one we had last time, this car ride was filled with laughter and most of it was yelling actually.

"Let's go that shop!" Emma squealed. Emma pulled me to a cute little store. The guys were outside waiting for us to finish.

Mike seemed to be a little bit okay after what happened a while ago in the car.

"Let's get something to eat, yeah?" Mike offered. He grabbed my hand and we all ran over to a restaurant called; Max's.

I've heard of this before, but I can't remember when.

"Hello, sir. Welcome to Max's, table for six." a girl asked with a bright smile on her face.

Calum nodded and the girl showed us where to sit. I can tell that she liked one of the boys, she kept staring at almost all of them.

We ordered and we just talked about stuff we're going to do on Monday.

"Anything else?" the girl came back for the tenth time. Yes, I counted it.

"It's okay. We're all good" Emma said drinking from her soda.

"Okay." the girl smiled. We finished eating and we walked around.


After our little trip to the mall, we went back to the hotel and we all snuggled up. These are the people I want to be with for as long as I live.

They're my family now.


I was the first one to wake up. I decided to make them some breakfast.

I was just setting up plates. I heard some footsteps. Oh my God, what if it's a murderer? What if it's a monster?

I grabbed the knife. Then, a sleepy Michael entered the mini kitchen.

"You scared me." I breathed out. Michael smirked and sat down on the chair.

"Here." I gave him the bacon and eggs.

"Thanks." he smiled lazily then ate it at once.

"Food!" Emma yelled coming into the kitchen. She grabbed a strip of bacon and munched on it.

"Where's the others?" I asked sitting down.

"Still sleeping." Emma yawned. My phone buzzed on the counter.

From: James :)

'Hey, wanna hangout? I'm bored with these losers'

Woah. I didn't even know I still had his number.

"Who is it?" a voice asked. I looked up to see Calum with ruffly hair. He looked cute. Why do I always think he's cute?!

"Well?" Calum pushed.

"James. He wants to hangout." I said walking to the bathroom to take a bath.


When I got out of the bathroom I saw Calum with my phone. I ran over to him, almost slipping and snatched my phone from his hands.

"What did you do?" I asked.

"Nothing. Just come back here before 6:00." he said walking away.

Wow. He really feels like a dad.

Michael's POV

She's all grown up. She thinks she's alone, she has us. I love her. I love my baby sister.

I can't tell her I'm her big brother. Not yet though. Its better if I keep it a secret for now.

No one knows my secret. My parents gave me to Calum's. They said that I'm not allowed to see her.

Now, she's here. And its my turn to protect her. My baby sister.

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