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Just a little heads up! I can't really type the Russian words. So, I'm just going to do the little open close parenthesis and translate it. Sorry :(


Noelle's POV

They didn't save us, I don't know where they are.. are they okay? Are they..alive?

Tears were running down my face, Emma was starting to wake and Rej was being carried by Tyson. They got us out of the cars and when I looked at where we were going, there was a plane..

No. Please.

They sat us down beside each other, we held hands, Rej was holding back tears and Emma was trying to stay strong.

"We have a little surprise for you three when we get to Russia. I know some people who can help make things clear." Bry- Christopher, said.

"Just please let us go." I begged. I finally said it, I need to beg. If he wants a girl to beg, I'll beg to him.

"I can't do that princess, I love you too much to let you go to that idiot." he smirked leaning in for a kiss. I ducked my head and he looked irritated.

"It's okay. You'll do that after our little surprise." he smirked. That asshole.

Tyson tried to kiss Rej, but Rej still refused. Tyson slapped her, she let out a high pitched groan. The three of us can't fight, whatever they put in our drinks, certainly made us weaker than the beating we received a while ago.

They injected something in our arms, it made drowsy..

Darkness was taking over.


My eyes opened, I was in a white room. There were people.

(Are you sure you want to continue with this? This is illegal and it can cost you a lot of money.) a man spoke. I couldn't understand them.

(Yes.) Christoper said nodding. I was confused, I can't move.

I felt something pain me, then I fell asleep again.


Calum's POV

"Ugh. I told you, it's Canada!" Joshua yelled again.

"No! What the fuck, listen, it's Germany." Mark fired. Ugh. These two have been bickering on where Chris took the girls. We've been in the jet for almost one hour. I was sitting in the cockpit with Ashton.

"Shut up! Ugh. Let's just track them down!" Luke flared. He annoyed, way too much I add. He went to his laptop and tried to track down Chris' recent flights, he bought his jet from us, that's why we can track him.

"I got it. Russia." Luke breathed out. Fuck. Not Russia. We're also kinda wanted there, so..

"Hold on and take your seats," Ashton announced on the speakers. We sat down. "Oh and, buckle up." he added.

Just after the first click of the seat belt, the jet zoomed. As far as I know, this is the fastest we went. I was scared as shit. We all screamed in terror. You know, the manly way.

"Fuuuuuuuck!" Joshua yelled. Fuck, Ashton's going in 800 mph. Shit. We'll be there in 6 hours tops.

"ASHTON!" we all yelled in unison. Ashton was screaming as well. The jet was turning sideways.

"We're going to die!" Michael shrieked.

"Ahh!" The whole jet was filled with screams. Ashton started to slow down, we're still going fast, but not that fast to kill all of us here.

I went to the cockpit and checked up on him.

"Hey, sorry. I just wanted to be on time, before anything happens.." he trailed off. I nodded and rubbed his back, I checked our speed. We were going in 600 mph. It could be worse..


We finally arrived.

Mark puked. We all looked at him with disgust and we went to our back-up car. Luke slowly made his way over to the driver's seat, he looked pretty dizzy, I was scared just looking at him, he can't drive. We'd probably die first before we can even make it to the girls. Luke's one of my best friends, he's an awesome driver and all, but seriously, we're going to die if he drives.

"Wait. I'll drive." I said pushing him out of the driver's seat, he nodded frantically, opened the door and puked. Oh God. I rubbed his back with a scrunched up face, fuck, this was disgusting.

He wiped his mouth and sat down at the passenger's seat. I started the car and drove.


It took us a while to find where they were, but they guarded. We had to go to our house, we have a house here, it's kinda filled with weapons. We went inside, guess people really believed this was a haunted house, idiots.

"I want to have the shot gun!" Joshua yelled. Actually they weren't armed, we just wanted to rest and sleep. Luke glared at Joshua and snatched the shot gun from his hand, he threw it somewhere and he snickered a smile.

"But, we can't rest! We have to go there now!" Mark panicked.

"If you want to go there, exhausted, fight, give up then die, be my guest." Luke smiled and flopped on the couch. Mark was breathing heavily, Joshua sat down and closed his eyes, I lied down on the carpeted floor, Ashton too and Michael.


I woke up looking around, I saw Mark on the floor, sleeping, I knew it, he got knocked out. Ashton and Michael were sprawled out on the floor, Joshua was still sleeping, his mouth was kinda open too, and Luke was a mess on the couch.

I stood up and looked at the time, perfect. There was still time to prepare, I woke them all up, fortunately, they cooperated and woke up immediately. We ate in a faster manner than usual, we got some few throwing knives, ropes, a few hand guns and of course, back-up bullets.

We got in the car and we actually had a bit of a hard time finding them again, it was dark last night and, the houses in this neighborhood look almost the same. We finally spotted their house, there were guards, but they look easy to fool.

We got out of the car and walked up straight to the main door.

Okay, we got this, we can speak Russian.

(Who are you? You shouldn't be here.) one of the muscular men said. Ashton smiled.

(We are Christopher's friends, we have come to visit him, we have gifts) Ashton spoke, the two men looked at each other.

(Don't you know who are we? I'm Mark Stevens, this is Joshua Peterson, and these are our friends, Joshua and I are one of the people who own this place, idiot!) Mark ranted. The two men looked startled, but they looked angry too.

(What's happening? Why is everyone so loud, Shaw?) Kasper asked, coming out. His eyes widened, then he smiled.

"Oh, hi! Come in, some people would like to see you." Kasper smiled like an asshole. If it weren't for the big guns the Shaw guy was holding, I would have already killed Kasper.

We went inside, we saw Christopher sitting on the couch. Where are they? My eyes searched the room, there was no sign of them.

"Oh! It's you guys. Take a seat, would you like something to drink?" Christopher asked, in a polite manner. None of us cared enough if we died getting shot by the police if we kill these bastards.

"No. Now, where are they?" Michael said glaring at Christopher.

"They're resting in their room, jetlag and all." Kasper chuckled. His eyes were light, but behind them were pure sociopathic evil thoughts, his hair was messed up too, as if he.. fuck shit no. I swear if he hurt even one of them, I will kill them.

"We're serious, where the fuck are they?" Luke snarled. The two of them looked at each other.

"We'll give you a little hint. They're in different rooms." Christopher giggled.

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