p r o l o g u e

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Time. The thing that mattered the most but when it comes to studying or just stepping inside of school, she just want the day to end. She wanted the whole time to be wasted.

Chunhua was doodling on her notebook instead of scribbling down notes, not even paying attention to the teacher that stood in front giving lessons. Studying has always been boring, she have no interest in them. She just stared at this boy that took a seat next to her on a seat of her friend's. Her precious friend was ill and didn't get to attend to school. How lucky, she thought, missing her presence.

As people know, in Chemistry class, students get to sit in a huge table with the sink in the corner of the table- in the lab but her teacher always uses a smaller class when they have no experiments to do, just revising on the notes, new topics. Students even get to sit next to each other, tables together- in a row. Each row have 10 people. Since it was joined with other classes, they have more than 30 students. Yes, with the kids next class that they barely know.

She didn't even bother to look at the teacher to see what she was doing- same goes to the teacher until her name was called.

"Feng Chunhua." Her eyes left the notebook- staring at the teacher with a slight nervous feeling. "Give the equation and explain the answer to this question." The teacher continued.

As startled as she is when her name was called, a hint of humiliation and anxiety run through her veins. She know she's doomed. Dead. Goodbye, world. Moving on to hell where the detention is.

Her eyes roamed to find a clue, no friends around- no cheaters-students that would mutter answers, which means no help, no answers. Desperation and curiosity.

Luckily, she can act quite good, starting off with searching for her notebook. The teacher could only tell the other students to mind their own business, eyes off from the girl and check for their correct answers. It wasn't about luck all the time, maybe fate?

A hand extended on her table, sliding a piece of paper so smoothly to her table then write down something on the table.

She read it, "The answers. For you. Have a look."

She looked at how neat the notes was, looked like everything was written down. Even the steps to do the equations.

The teacher repeated her name to just explain on her seat as she was quite trembling. She get to scan the paper right after the unknown student gave in their own answer without anyone noticed. She muttered a thank you after explaining it and having the most precise answer, smiling wide in the inside before sitting back in her seat to turn her head towards the clever person.

Her jaw dropped- she almost freaked out when she finally realize the student next to her friend's seat was one of the top 3 genius in school. Next to the boy that passed the paper. She can hardly relate to a really clever person. A stranger next class. The guy in the cool kids gang. The german-chinese guy- a kind of genius that she thought would never give out his answer to anyone to cheat or to copy. He seemed kind, and is good looking among all the boys in school.

Like, 'gosh why am i freaking out, its just him- have i ever know his name? lol whatever.' She brushed aside the thought and went back to her senses, giving back the paper to the right owner before looking up at the teacher's lesson. She have thought about the boy that sat next to her, he have a beautiful smile and is kinda pretty.

On lunchtime, she would skip lunch as no one was around to accompany her other than her friend who were absent, Da eun. We all know what this is. A sad, lonely life.

She would go to the library and sneakily eat chips under the table while reading a novel in the corner. We don't usually want- even the tiniest stain on our beautiful book to get dirty but she wouldn't mind. It's not hers, not the library's but the government. She just don't give a fuck about it.

Happily walking out after reading books that she wished to finish, her tracks stopped when she almost crash onto a person through the corner that she wanted to change her turn of path. Almost crashing onto each other's head.

Her eyes landed on the nametag, 'Na Jaemin' then looked up to the face.

'Him. The chem student.'

'I didn't get to thank him properly just now.' she continued in her head.

She bowed after taking a few steps backwards, thanking him about what happened. "You were a life saviour. I would like to thank you for the perfect answers. Thought Miss Tian would doubted me but glad that you helped me back then."

"Don't thank me. That genius next to me passed me the answer to you." He smiled after a bow, just a short talk as strangers. "Right, i should thank him for that. Do you know where he is?" She asked.

"I saw him in the restroom few minutes ago. Maybe he's still there." Jaemin replied and they separated ways after she thank him again.

She came over and waited outside of the boy's restroom, walking backward and forward in the hallway. The door opened and finally, the guy came. She dust off her shirt, walking towards him. She thought he would stop his track but he almost passed her by not until she stopped him. Yangyang, who was looking down looked up to her and smiled before she walked backwards at how close she was to him, breathing were barely heard.

"Umm, I'm sure you were the one who passed me the answers, im so thankful that you saved me. The boy next to me said that you gave it."

"Oh, it wasn't any burden." He have that sweet smile on, and his accent were different. Well, of course, he uses different kind of language at once- normally.

She would admit like this was the first time she would thank someone sincerely and politely. He was way far from for her level though and maybe that was why.

A student stopped in the hallway to find signals in his phone after washing his hand walking out of the restroom, only to notice two figures in the silent hallway standing so close at this time. There were wild thoughts in his head so he took the opportunity to take the most visible angle of both student and captured in his phone.

He touched the walls beside him and walked tiptoe-ing to the side. He was lowkey squealing in the inside by the image he saw.

'Are they kissing? Oh my god, isn't that Liu YangYang? Is he hiding his relationship with his girlfriend? Well isn't this cute?' He zoomed in to get a closer look into his phone and smiled to the both figure. Things are about to be solved.

'Should i reveal his name? Ah, people can think but can't guess well. Imma make this hot news.'

【 NEO HIGH POST 】 ~Today's highlight.

「 image attached 」

[ HOT ]

School's top 3 genius, Liu XX with an unknown girl
dating? hiding their relationship status?

look at what this picture i got in the hallway this recess. i dont know but wish the ship sails!

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In no minutes, the rumour spread like crazy. It was all over the place. No one knew it was coming. A notification popped up on her phone screen. The school's website. and that was when boys came into her life, little by little.

date me // yangyang ft. jaemin [completed√ ]Where stories live. Discover now