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Students and teachers that came by to the airport left as soon as he take off, but she stayed for another few minutes to calm herself down. By the next day she woke up, her eyes were a little swollen by the crying. She admit that was a little of a drama, things hit her in reality and it was painful that he left in a hurry with no words to her.

She was awaken from the little drama she had, she was ready to face the world. She wanted to live a happy life, no distractions, no disturbances. She realized she doesn't really need people to build the perfect life and she accepted the fact that he was gone.

Days passed and went back to normal as before, no Yangyang but the feeling of his presence stayed. Rumors remained rumors in the school but she never cared much, to her, she's free now. Students will talk about him and her, even the things they didn't know. They can't make a good rumor when there's no proof or person around to witness. And the rumors that spread in school, she mostly cleared the misunderstandings and answer herself the questions that people always ask. Like meeting with fans and interviews for Q&A.

Like if they're in a relationship, she said, "I just barely know him, that's all. Misunderstandings are told by the ones who doesn't know the real thing and if you care to know me so much, why dont you live my life? Nosy to really make things up instead of confirming it."

And if she's dating anyone, from what they see, she hangs out with Jaemin- thinking that she cheated or something and she would reply, "Jaemin is my friend, the best friend i have. We're nothing more and I'm sure he knows that. If we would date,," She chuckled at how she remembered how honest her feelings were to reject him last time and continued, "It would be a date as best friends."

She told the people that asked her that she didn't know a thing about Yangyang's leave, nothing about his scholarship, the sudden news, nothing after the party and all. It made her thought that he did chased his dreams but time chased him on that day. So surprising that it wasn't what she expected. If it wasn't because of her bravery, she wouldn't be here by now exploring the world than hiding in embarrassment.

Thinking about him changes her mood differently, sometimes sad, sometimes disappointed and sometimes happy. She shared different moments and different feelings with the people she have memories with. The scenes that flashes in her mind still got her every time. Yangyang makes a big impact in her life after that. She was strong and she started to want to do positive works, positive thinking for a positive life.

Chunhua were determined to focus on studies now, after thinking of how many hours that studies were as important as her future. Life was hard, and studies were harder but studies were simpler to catch up, to understand. Motivations and inspirations from friends, she wished she could be like them. To chase after dreams, or just accept where life lead her to. Not to mention, she enjoys shopping and earn money. It was one of her motivations.

It was useless of her living without doing anything and she was still finding the purpose of it, in that, she continue her job as a student, improving of what she lacks. Trying to be obedient and focused as she can when she doesn't even want to.

She moved on in her life, erased dramatic moments, removed fake friends, now hanging out with guy friends of Jaemin, drink coffees and sometimes shop together as he know what she's into. Things sometimes would remind her of him, and it was hard to not think of. Even in the class they first met.

Jaemin would take over Da eun's place as a replacement, she didn't came back but she did apologize before, it was a little awkward to be honest- at how she have so many guy friends. He would sit next to her and doodle on her table when she spaced out or doing something in the middle of the class.

Jaemin was happy, he was proud of the improvement she lacked before, she did all she can and that she used her own ability for her future, for her own good. She did amazing for the semester and even got top 20 in with the students their level.

Winter came by just in a blink of an eye, they sometimes drink after school to get rid of stress and for reunions. Yangyang's classmates will always be there but they won't be talking about him nonstop, just at some times, for some reason. She wouldn't quite like it, how uncomfortable it was but shes used of it by now. And the last time she remembered with him was when the party was held, a drunk but conscious Chunhua with a Yangyang who tried to keep her warm. The scent was still remembered but she can't now.

"Dress warm."

She only remember that she was wearing one of her favorite cropped top, it was mostly comfy and obviously- not that warm. She was sure that she wasnt bothered to know or ask things about him, where he is but she's not sure if she get to see him again. Either of them would just move on with their own lives.

Chunhua checked her closet for the year's results of shopping and found a long coat that she never used, only get to touch it twice after she bought it. It brought up memories.

"I'm looking for good clothes for my boyfriend"

The way she bought it never gets old, she would use the same trick sometimes at the same shop. When Jaemin found out that trick worked, it made her smile- sadly, thinking back in reality that she have no boyfriend. The coat was clean, neatly ironed and stayed with the nice smell, a scent of newness. An idea popped up in her head to pass it to Jaemin through a box.

She asked Jaemin for a favor, the box finally in his hands. "What's about this?" He asked, eyes down on it.

"Could you send this to Yangyang?"

His reply is always an 'of course', there's a part of him to not reject people and accept them just the way they are. It's not that she can't do it by herself, but she didn't know, didn't want to know where he is. She didn't want to search for a person that didn't want to find her.

She never get to know his place, but Jaemin does.

☆ author's last note: FINALLY DONE.
votes for sequel?
planned to write it hehe

comments and votes are highly appreciated😉💞
much love from sui authornim :P

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