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Chunhua stared down at the book in her hands, school ended and she didn't even bother to keep it inside her backpack. She checked the neatly arranged notes, how he have it written down topic by topic. Turned out that he was writing her name on the front page. He had his name on it but he cancelled it and write hers. And, it was in Chinese.

She suddenly remembered about the hangout yesterday, rushing her way inside to change her clothes. As soon as she arrive at the mall, her feet led her towards the clothing shop but thinking back that she didn't bring much money, she changed her way towards the huge entrance next to McDonald's, thinking that she might see him when he arrive. Only to wish buying again next time.

"Hua." As soon as she heard the name that was called, she turned at the owner of the voice, Jaemin walking towards her. Next to him was Jeno, having a friendly, beautiful smile on. She  automatically smile back after greeting the both of them. There were no specific plans they made but as long as they did hangout, it would be enough. They made their way to the arcade, getting tokens then started to run around to play the games like a kid.

The basketball game would be one of Chunhua's favorite game, Jaemin followed to play next to her. In the middle of the game, they would distract each other to get the best scores, and his questions and talks would always annoy her. "The hot news these days were so interesting, can't believe there's no credits for me, where it started huh?" He was focused on the game, but it sure caught her attention.

Chunhua didnt want him to know that she was the one who asked to take down the 1st rumor. She didnt want everything to be exposed, not even her school account. It's like being in a survival game, there's no one she can lean on, to trust fully. One wrong move then everyone will continue spreading wrong accusations.

"You know about that thing. Funny but it gets more serious in time." Chunhua picked up the ball then started rushing to throw it into the basket as if the time were chasing her.

Jaemin have his head slightly turned towards her as he throws the ball, "Hey, I'm not trying to trouble you, I'm here to help, you know?"

"You're so thoughtful, i like that." She responded sarcastically, continuing to throw the ball. Somehow, she wanted to hit him with the ball.

Jaemin continued talking as they finished the basketball game, now playing the air hockey. He had a grin as he act innocent, "Cause it all started when a genius share his answers with a girl. It's amazing that she acted like nothing, and handling it well." "Youre quite a tease, you know that?" She rolled her eyes over him, looking away which made him shrug before she harshly hit the ball towards him.

While waiting for the both of them done playing the games nonstop- that was said to be the last game but was the 5th last, Jeno decided to make an order first at Starbucks. They would chill, just eating and drinking at the cafe.

Chunhua and Jaemin came over to Jeno that was on the cashier. Jeno looked at her and asked if she wanted to order. Jaemin was looking at the barista guy for quite a long time, it was a new employee and he looked so emo by the way his black hair cover almost his eyes. Even the way he speak was dark and emo, like some gothic. As soon as she ordered hers, the barista asked, "Your name?" Jaemin jokingly push her away and told the barista, "Yangyang!"

Just hearing that name, her eyes went wide, trying to pull Jaemin by the shirt from the cashier who was laughing. "Write hers as Yangyang, mine Jaemin. The iced americano." The barista even have his eyes plastered at them with no interest, annoyed to be played.

She seriously wanted to slap herself or throw Jaemin away for humiliating her. That name is like a name of a celebrity, everyone knows him, students can find out such things in public when he's not there. She slightly hit him as Jeno watch them, taking Jaemin's side, not to care about the name.

She sighed heavily as she wait for the order, dragging a seat in front of the collection counter. Expressionless, she called the barista before and told him to not call out the Yangyang name as she was waiting right there. She tapped her fingers on the counter, hearing their names were called out then hers. "Blended Caramel for Ya-" The barista stopped when she stood up in hurry, grabbing the drink away. She took the straw and made her way to their table, seeing Jaemin grinning.

"Don't ever order me a coffee again." She warned, sitting down on the empty space in front of them.

【 NEO HIGH POST 】 ~Today's Highlight.

[ NEO NEWS ]                                
Liu Yangyang as a volunteer in Teen
Genius, will be aired on Saturday, 5PM


All the best! Good luck!                   

jungkook cute girl:                         
   hes definitely gonna win                     

Wishing all the best for our school's volunteers


yangyangie's baby:                         
Fighting baby😘😘💓💖💗💝💟💞💘👍        

"What's up?" Chunhua asked, controlling herself from peeking at how Jaemin was scrolling down his phone for a long time like he was reading something.

He showed his phone at her, "That genius Yangyang is one of the volunteer from our school in Teen Genius."

"Cool." She cooed, remembering that she didn't received the notification since she logged out. She's most likely is done with the nonstop notification of the useless madeup rumors, especially when she's in the article.

It was quiet for awhile, Chunhua stared at him who was sipping on his drink nonstop, sitting across her. Jeno was beside him, focused on playing his phone. There were a lot of cups on the table, not Jeno's, not hers but Jaemin's. She finally realised something when she heard the worker called his name for the 5th time, she think. "One Venti ice americano with 4 extra shots of espresso shots for Jaemin!"

A confused look was plastered on her face, so ugly that she was staring at him as if she's disgusted. Jaemin then came with another drink in his hands, back to his seat. She spoke, in disbelief, "That's a lot of caffeine to drink in a time!"

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