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Chunhua peeked inside the classroom, glancing at her wristwatch that showed that recess was over. There was a female student standing and leaning on the door at the same time, looking like she was talking to the students in the class.

Jaemin nudged her to talk to the student, Chunhua then lightly pat the shoulder of the girl. "Excuse me."

The student turned to face them, flinching a bit to see the faces in front of her.

"O? Annyeonghaseyo, Jaeminssi, Chunhuassi." Her eyes widen in surprise to see the people who are always on the page of the school's hot news. The charming basketball player who can and always play the piano in music class, with the school's genius's rumored girlfriend. An average girl that is now a respected students among the well-known people around her.

Chunhua stood straight, thinking that this was the only place he can be in other than the library or his friend's classes. A question that maybe can answer 'where can i find yangyang?' "Have you seen Yangyang? we're searching for him. I.. might kinda not talk to him these past few days.." she gave an awkward smile, anticipating for the answer.

Instead of asking a question with a question, thinking that they might not be in good terms, the smile if the student died a little. She didn't know of what about to be told, she wasn't aware.

The student gulped, blinking a few times, hesitating as she look to her other friends in class, quiet. "You.. didn't know?"

Their eyes were fixated at the girl, eyebrows lifted, confused. "Some teachers were accompanied by students to send him off about an hour ago." The girl looked at her watch for a second then back at them.

Time stopped for a moment, questions flooded their heads such as 'to where?' 'for what?' They didn't know a thing, they wasnt informed but Jaemin who kept his eyes on Chunhua, that was running outside of the school building to get a cab, he only get to pat a random friend of his in the hallway to tell that he's leaving in the middle of school time.

【 NEO HIGH POST 】 ~Official update

[ #1 HOT ]                       
[ FLASH NEWS ]                   

Liu Yangyang to take scholarship,
continue studies abroad.

Place of study remained unknown.

                > posted 14 hours ago


【 NEO HIGH POST 】 ~Today's Highlight

[ #4 HOT ]                          

Liu Yangyang, focusing on studies, left Neo High
with beautiful records, and said to leave a
message for other students to seize their dream.

                         > 6 hours ago


【 NEO HIGH POST 】 ~Today's Highlight

[ #3 HOT ]                          

Liu Yangyang's exposed official account,
a message to everyone before leaving the school.

It was said that he just changed his username,
wrote a message and posted it on his own account
he managed to get 2k reads in just 24hours.

date me // yangyang ft. jaemin [completed√ ]Where stories live. Discover now