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"Hey, sorry I'm late." Chunhua sighed as she removed her shoes, then putting her bag next to the door, walking towards her friend that just changed her uniform into a tee. She plopped on the couch as Da eun turned off her phone.

"Are you kidding mEEE??" Da eun shook her body mercilessly, eyes only at her. There's no other things she's going to talk about since the rumor existed. "Are you seriously going to ignore those things that talked about you? They believed youre dating him and even your team mates! What are you doing?"

Chunhua yanked Da eun's arm away, staring at the television to avoid her. It wasn't any deal to her, it's her problem, not Da eun's. Yeah, she remembered that she received the notification when she was called by Miss Tian, at the same time as Yangyang were next to her and she was sure Yangyang is active to check the website. Or else, he wouldn't receive the news if he logged out.

The people that know the story behind it would understand at how logic it is but she wasn't quite bothered.The more brave she get, the more scarier it is. She try new things for sure but never experienced as things, never been alerted of what's ahead of her, what's going to happen.

【 NEO HIGH POST 】 ~Today's Highlight.

「 image attached 」

[ HOT ]
Working on a project with two lovely birds is
interesting. Yangyang helped with everything.



wok hey:
*suddenly ships them together*

this picture screams boyfriend material

yangyang in glasses is all what i need

this added 50 spans of my life


^7 replies


where is my hair:

sicheng prince of china:
@where is my hair Your username is a mood.

made in korea:
Where's the haters @?? Seems like Yangyang
didn't even let them enter this website hmm

meDium hUh:
something is wrong, its

*internally screaming like a fangirling camel
cause i dont ship them*

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