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That day, there were no Chemistry class. The last time was when they had their presentation. At least, shes saved from Yangyang and tried her best not to bump into him. Saved from the world for a moment. No fans of his or haters attacking her- no memories of yesterday. As if nothing happened.

Chunhua had her head down, eyes looking right to left the whole time she passes by the school corridors. It was less crowded, less voices of the people who always speaks for the bad. Something was off. Something was a thing she didn't know. A thing that she had to know.

She shrugged off the feeling and made her way to the school park, sitting down on the bench of her favorite place, under the shades of a tree. It was her free time to chill, other than reading the books and eat chips in the library. She didn't realize there was a person with his headphone on, sitting on the bench until she's a few metres away, looking at him.

The boy was syncing to the music, not caring she was there though he saw her. To avoid embarrassment since she arrived there already, she just sit down and looked around quietly. He was singing and dancing to the rythm, even his hands were dramatically pointing somewhere when all he do was actually matching the parts of the beat. "We go up" he mouthed.

He seemed to noticed the figure beside him until he turned his head once again to make sure. Staring at her in surprise later. He removed his headphone in instant, bowing as he face her to greet. "Feng Chunhua, right?"

"Oh. It's you." Chunhua smiled as soon as she remembered the boy Jaemin friends with. The house he went last time was his friend's right there, Renjun. She scanned him secretly, it seemed that he was one of the students that reads the article on their website. Theres no way to avoid it even though ourselves never wanted to know.

Renjun looked around then turned back at her, asking out of curiosity. "Why are you alone?" "I'm always alone." She shortly replied. Renjun had a thought but he just kept it inside his head. He knows that she was one of Jaemin's friend and it's hard to not have clingy girls around but she wasn't one of them. He would thought she's not that one of the normal typical girls.

It's obvious she didn't have things to do when she came to the park, and no one to he with, he didn't want to have people being isolated, sometimes it just gets into his feels of being dramatic without his own realization. More thoughts flooded his head to know what her purpose there, having no one with her.

She automatically stole a glance at him innocently as the music from his headphone were a little loud- she can hear the voice singing so clearly. 'I need you right here~'

Renjun moved to put away his headphone but she spoke with a smile on, "I like the song you listened to, especially the bridge part."

An 'o' shaped his mouth, "Really? You listen to it too? I know right, i love his part." And that was how they continued their conversation before break time was over.


Chunhua would look away and avoid being seen from Jaemin but she can't hide it forever. Now to think about, she's ready to face him and tell him what she've thought about. She can see that Jaemin have took an opposite path from his friends, saying something before he made his way towards her. The group of boys glancing at her then at him.

She let out a sigh as she continue on eating, staring up to the figure that was placing his tray and took a seat across her.  They firstly eat in silence then she put down her chopstick, calling his name. They say fate will come by itself, and destiny would pull them closer but she knows it wasn't coincidence. She was anxious and concerned, by the two people that entered her life at the same time but she knows that only god makes the best decision and the reasons why they met and it was a lesson to be learned.

"I may not be sure of my own feelings but I'm- i know we weren't more than that. I wouldn't like to avoid or reject you cause- a decision can only be made once but mistakes are made more than twice. I've thought wisely, more than thrice and i loved at how you were like- my most beloved, best, ever, friend, guess that's what i'm trying to say."

It was sad to hurt his feelings without any intention, but his reaction was more of a surprise, to her, to everyone. "Dude, i was so nervous of the respond you'd give!" Chunhua's eyes automatically roamed to look at other students that were staring in the cafeteria that time, he yelled 'dude' too loud, earning a signal from her to quiet down. He awkwardly smile and whispered clearly but not too loud. "Cause i dont think you'll feel the same way."

"Why did you even ask in the first place?!" Almost gritting her teeth, she hit him by the arm where he avoid it. She wanted to scream upon hearing his reaction, to yell in front of his ears and ask why he did that.

"I don't know?" He emotionally replied, eyebrows almost attached to each other. Though he tried to think, it wasn't love. Not a love-love. Not a like-like, he just- don't know what's up with him. He sighed, then look at her in the eye, "I care about you."

The reason why he brought her to the party was so that she'll meet Yangyang and talk about it. The reason he came was to bring her, and that day wasn't a plan, he didn't even know that kind of confession would make a slight change in life. What past is past, the word he said played through her mind helplessly, he didn't actually, really, mean it. The fact that he asked her, himself can't  accept it. He asked because he cares about her. He asked because he knows her. He just wanted to end it, clear all the rumors and get it done. Just to make her life back at peace again, he would dare to do it. He would risk it all.

He'll support her no matter what. He thought by ending it like that, all the rumors will stop, the made up rumors but it only turn out as a distraction, somewhat an entertainment.

Jaemin was protecting her at all cost, to not use her nor to keep her. He is such a sweet young man who have great people around him and she loved him more because he accepted her of what she is. She wasnt bothered by any of the latest 'news' or you can say, rumor. She disliked to see the website of bad talks about her. Still, she looked back at him.

"Nothing happened at the party, right?" She asked, voice really low, unsure but she asked just in case since she didn't remember much of that day. He looked up, thinking and shook his head. "How about Yangyang?" He asked in return.

"So,, I.. might kinda not talk to him these past few days.." Chunhua nervously said, pursing her lips.

He remembered that day they bumped into each other at the rooftop. Jaemin have thought she might rejected him, leave him hanging, talked to him, discussed it or something but he have thought about all the crazy things happened at the party. "Not even a word- little talks, hints- at the party?" He asked. She bit her lower lip, fiddling with her fingers, not to look at him.

His eyes widen, "Then go find him."

☆ this. friendship. is. what. we. waNt.

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