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"Chill, I wasn't rushing you or something. Things takes time in its progress, you should already know how to deal with your feelings. Be honest with me." His expression was calm, unconcerned and it wasn't a thing she expected at all. It tells that he'll just accept whatever it is, he was a patient one. After that scene, they got back in like nothing happened, he was smiley again, hanging out with his friends, giving her space.

Throughout the party, Chunhua noticed that Yangyang were mostly busy with his friends, classmates, and all she could do was enjoy the night to drink with other students. It was tough to even remind herself about what just happened. About Yangyang, and about Jaemin.

Yangyang was greeted again by a group of baseball members, feeling suffocated for a moment when they happily hug him. It was a good feeling, but it felt like he was bullied. They gave him their baseball cap, dressed him like he was another member in the club. She could only steal a few glances at Yangyang, to check how he is, what he looks like hiding it from the so called public. Not to tell the school that she seemed like she actually used him, as if it was a play. She never mean it, to hurt his feelings nor to hurt his pride. She stayed what she is, to be an ordinary girl and student.

That time, she didn't even have the thought of Jaemin, it was only Yangyang flooding her head, just feeling that it came out of nowhere. She was on the bar, drinking along with other students, then her feet led her to a more hidden and quiet living room deep inside, far from the blasting music through the kitchen. Things were blur in her mind so as her vision. There were students partying- dancing around, drunk without being in their state mind, high as hell, she can barely describe herself as that. The next day of her every wasted self, she wouldn't remember things that happened when she was drunk.

Yangyang might take over her mind, but she didn't see what's coming at all, that he was there in front of her, listening and smiling to what she might spit out. The with words she kept to herself and he could only smile seeing her face flushed red, it was a look that he don't see everyday.

It felt like she does know he was there sitting on the couch. He did took a few sips of an alcoholic drink but managed to control himself. He immediately stood up to put down the red plastic cup in his hand when he saw her, trying to help her to even walk. She called him so cheerfully but more of a sorrowful tone, walking towards him. Some of his classmates were seeing them but none to bother as they enjoy themselves.

Her arm opened widely, pulling him into a hug, her arms on his neck. "Yangyang~" She whined, he was caught off guard at first, tilting his head aside but having her this close was as if a , different. She was so close, "I just think I'm going to miss you some day. It's a feeling."

He was quiet by the words she said, looking down then back at her. Their feets that were dragged to sit, Chunhua were barely clinging on him without her own realization, breath were hitting his neck. She knows how his scent smelled nice, leaning close but he didn't even move an inch. He just watched and see. How close their faces were with each other, how warm he felt having her arms and body close to him.

They were frozen for a good 3 seconds, eyes locked with each other, until she got up and started to walk towards an opened sliding door. Her heartbeat was beating so fast, and the effect from the alcohol even made her feel heating up. "Ugh, It's hot here." She muttered followed with a groan, combing her hair to the back that constantly hit her face. Yangyang stood up, progressing of what to do then making his way to drag her back in. The cold breeze instantly hit his face as soon as he step out, walking on the sand to get her.

It was windy, and the night breeze was so cold, sand tickling her skin. She looked down at her feet, her toe was playing with the sand then realising the sea and the waves were about to swallow her in.

"Why is it so cold here?" She whined like a kid as she shake her long sleeves, Yangyang run over to her, seeing her running away from the waves. An absolute drunk person.

Yangyang were more likely dragging her back inside, to the couch he sat on. 'I always love you' The music blasted even louder, drunk and dancing classmates around, some were making out at the corner, they were just in their own world.

Her body automatically gave up when he almost let go, plopping on the seat. He removed the jumper on him, putting it aside. As if she malfunctioned, her eyes suddenly widen, then her body fell to the side, lying down- lifeless. Yangyang sat on the edge, beside her, making her move towards him and starting to snuggle at him. Hiding suddenly when a few minutes ago she was saying it was hot. He put the jumper on her, just to cover her body that was shivering. His heart was beating so loud, him trying to control himself.

Yangyang admired her face, staring at it. It was calm, not guilty as what he saw the other day, not as messed up. He can feel that she snuggled more to get comfortable, his heartbeat were increasing every second he thought about it. about her. Only half of her face were visible- her side profile with strands of her own hair covering her face. It made him more careful to not wake her up, removing the strands or hair out of her face, and her heating cheek.

He muttered, "Dress warm." Barely feeling the redness of her cheek, how warm it was and it was cute. He didn't even realize his own face started to heat up. Moments later, he didn't realize how he fell asleep just above her head, may sound impossible but his body was kind of flexible.

There were some noisy voices when he woke up, some thud from the students around that ran off. You can say the party was over, and she was awaken by the disturbing voices of screams and the sounds of clashing plates in the kitchen. She instantly stood up as she stretches, Yangyang could only stare. "Damn I'm so wasted, forget the things I've ever said to you when I'm drunk." She said, trying to walk out of the house through the entrance in front.


Chunhua looked around when she woke up from a headache, trying to remember how she gets home, knowing that she slept on the sofa. She saw her roommate walking out of the room with a mask on, asking her. She walked into kitchen as she talk, "There was a guy who sent you back."

"Who was he? Do you know how he looks like?" She asked more. There was a slight pause with her mouth opened, Jia closed her mouth back then responded, "I dont remember."

As soon as she remembered of Jaemin's confession, she let out a heavy sigh, stuffing her face on the pillow of the sofa to think that she'll meet him again, unready to face the day tomorrow.

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