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In school, she would hide her face- herself, avoid, away from him. Mostly when they get to bumped into each other in the library, or in school corridors. She didn't want to face him and she didn't know why. She've thought, why can't she just deal it face to face? Settle it done, solving it but even by the eyes she accidentally met, it was telling something. She just didnt understand. Even Miss Tian felt like she know something was going on, she asked the group to do a presentation on their latest project and that just made things a little more weirder.

Both looking at each other- the eyes she always see were as bright as the stars lighting up the sky, as shiny as diamonds and as sparkly as glitters. But since then, it was staring right into her. Dark, no expressions on his face, soulless. She would admit that he looked scary because it felt like it wasn't him. He's never been so serious. As serious as he is in studies, an expression as that never existed.

As the leader and assistant, they had to show their teamwork in front of other students, it was seen that they both were distancing each other- there was a space left in between them as they stand together as a team, the teacher would notice it. (A/N halal gap too strong lol)

At times, they would pass the paper for their presentation- the team members purposely make it 1 to share but there were even obvious movements of Yangyang and Chunhua sassily- rudely taking it away from each other, not that really rude but just obvious of having an argument. Others found it cute, some found it fishy- each other's opinions were different.

Everytime or everywhere, there would be the so called paparazzi of the school and it annoyed her so much where they follow her. As if they were chasing and targeting something at her.

As selfish as it sounds, Chunhua kept her notification clean, even deleting and ignoring texts from Da eun. It's almost a week of not talking to her, they're both busy with their own lives, studies and families but they still had to contact each other. She just felt like she wanted to end it, imagining that her mind would explode every time that girl comes with her long speech.

She's not intruding someone's life like Da eun did, not caring about the small things because she own her own life. It was just messing her mind up having someone taking over or to control her, her life, not like Jaemin and his gang. He's like the definition of freedom and youth. Beautiful boys.

After several hangouts with Jaemin and some of his friends, she found herself attached to him like a kid to their parents. She was like a kid that listen and obeys the parent and that how it worked with the friendship of hers and Jaemin. And now that Yangyang's stupid team- what she called it, were throwing a party and is inviting anyone from different classes of their level. Their friends, to be exact, and the people he knows. Of course, the teachers would be there too.

Yangyang's classmates would help him announce, send invitations online, bringing more people because the more the merrier. There's only a rule; to have legal students only invited. Through all hardworks in a hard time, being busy as ever, it's like it paid off. Yangyang was glad, but he wasnt that happy.

He looked over to his friend's phone that were asked to send the message to everyone except one that they're unsure. "Umm, we have Chunhua as the last one, did you invite her already or should i..??"

His lip were slightly agape, he responded then turned away with his back facing his friend. No hesitation in his voice. "Suit yourself."

It was heard that his voice was crystal clear, and it was his. His own voice. Their jaw dropped by the respond of his, having him walking away and leave the place without saying anything further. He was thinking to say, 'depends if she's going or not.' or 'decide it yourself.' Even the choices were too hard but it led the wrong way, it was too rude, foolish.

She seriously didnt want to come, not even bothered to move her butt of her bed or the couch in the living room when she's home. As if wanting to end her life, right there, right now. People wouldn't understand how much she didn't want to see him but making the whole school proud, all people around, and about the fcking rumor, to her- no comments.

Hearing him doing aegyo and convincing her stubbornly over the phone sometimes makes her sick. It was so sickening that she'll turn out to be red. Humiliating but entertaining. Some friends would be like that. Talking bout friends, she have no interest in communicating with Da eun. She didn't know Chunhua's new friends would be around, a better version though and sometimes, it's just a great thing having guys as friends.

She's actually obedient, and just the way Jaemin look at it, he was just happy that she agreed to come. The reason why she had to come was because of Jaemin's instruction. And his reason, was that she just had to come for her own good, wanting to stop the problem from getting bigger. After all, it's Yangyang's celebration party. She didn't tell Jaemin that she agreed, just quietly without his knowing to come.


08 : 30, Jaemin glanced at his watch as he bite on the straw of his drink, looking back at the figure that just walked out of the building. There were files and books in his hands, by the look of his backpack at the back, it seems like it's heavier. It sure bring out the personality in him.

He pointed at the figure, still staring at it, "That dude is always alone as if he's a single man in his 30s living a lonely life. He even left school this late just to study in the library."

Jeno just stared at him then nodded. Jaemin have thoughts about it- maybe he did needed her attention, maybe he did needed her by his side and maybe he needed her support when things go wrong. He looked so down, smiling like he was okay, smiling as if nothing happened, nothing went wrong though he didn't want to make it obvious for the people around to see. His breathing weren't as stable, like carrying around that burden, he sighed just to look straight and focus as he walk. A look like he moved on.

Jaemin called her that night, "I'll pick you up tomorrow before 4."

☆ this book is like the only book i wrote
with a lots of hints i dropped

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