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After a refreshing shower, Chunhua made her way into the living room, changing the channel of the television right away. "Chunhua. The tv you turned on before you shower, are you  watching it?" Her roommate, Jia asked. "Yeah, I'm going." She replied.

There was vibration from her phone, a notification just got in. Chunhua turned towards her phone that was on the couch, showing the caller ID. It was Jaemin. They exchanged numbers just in case, and speaking of which, she's wanting to know what he's going to talk about. "Hua, Teen Genius just started minutes ago."

Teen Genius was a show where students from different schools compete, answering quizzes and most of them were mad genius in their school. No workings to answer, just needing the brain and time to think. In excitement of watching the country's most watched show, she cross her legs and get comfortable, eyes on the television. "Yeah, I'm watching it right now."

She stopped and thought for a moment, "Wait, why are you calling me about this?"

"He's your man!" Jaemin said dramatically then his chuckles were heard from the other line, making her sigh in disbelief, wanting to hang up.

The show continued almost an hour already, it was rare for her to stay focused on shows like this, Jia was more confused of what she's up to. It was nerve wrecking- not seeing him, seeing the question, even herself- of course can't think of an equation. She thought it's just illogic. While watching, she didnt realize herself falling in a deep sleep on the couch.


Chunhua came back a few days to buy herself clothes, as always, a girl who enjoys shopping alone than having her friend babbling about the smallest things. "Welcome." A voice of a worker greeted her as she got in. She found the worker last time came up to her when she was searching for another clothing. She smiled at the worker as she approach to say hi. "How was the shirt you've bought last time?"

She was so happy and satisfied of her shopping last time, even her hand was moving so excitingly. Her expression was so exaggerating that the worker didnt even realise she was making up a lie. "My, boyfriend really loved it. I'm wishing to buy him again."

"Really? We are so happy to know that." The worker was so friendly and they got along as she shop. Chunhua bit her lower  lip, "but i cant think of what type of clothing he would like."

The worker thought, snapping her fingers before leading her into the shop. She showed a coat that was on a mannequin to hher her eyes scanned to see it. "We just have this coat in season. What's best is that it's Unisex. It have a lot of mini pockets for hotpack, and extra pockets with zipper in the inside too. It's a really high quality material of clothing."

She looked around, slightly feeling the material of the coat, "I cant seem to find other designs like this, is this for display?"

The worker that was named 'Sara' on the name tag that Chunhua just read pouted, her hand on the shoulder of the mannequin, "Unfortunately, it's the last piece. The reason we put it up here because it's a special edition and is a limited edition coat."

It was sad for her to hear it, and by seeing the price tag, it was a little pricey than she used to buy. Since it's a Unisex, limited edition and high quality coat, it's quite affordable for such thing. A slight disappointment filled her the more she look at it. The buttons were sparkly, the beautifully cut of clothing, the velvety feel of fabric and how it shine under the lights, and the way it made the shape of body more attractive was killing her.

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