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Jia have stared long at the car outside, waiting for her roommate to come out. She didn't come to the party, wanting to throw herself a party at home when she's alone. Chunhua was getting ready, she had a long sleeved cropped top, a pair of long tight black jeans and her signature transparent sneakers on. Without bringing anything, just a 'congrats', she then soon left. She stayed silent throughout the ride, spacing out through the window.

As soon as they arrive, Jaemin were greeted by some boys next class as the other volunteers of Teen Genius were his classmate. They separated ways, some of Yangyang's 'mates' were helping him sort out things, prepare the stuff like buying groceries, serve other students, while the opposite ones played around the house, played games, VR, eat junk foods and a lot more. Most of the students that helped him were his classmates that were a part of the school's baseball team, they were tall, huge people that would hug Yangyang from the side, squeezing him tight until he's breathless and ruffle his head as a proud friend. They're that kind of students that wears around their uniform-  baseball jumper even in public.

The students actually rented a beach house for 2 days, special for that day to celebrate, and it was merrier when they saw people playing by the shore. A summer vibe was felt all of a sudden. The house was huge, a three-storey house with complete furniture, big and spacious rooms. Inside, there was a bar inside the tv room next to the kitchen.

They were more hyped even before the sunset, before the real party starts. There were karaoke after the long speech from Yangyang, and after consuming a lot of food. A drinking session where his classmates were acting like a barista- was also held after the sun sets. Chunhua was having stomach aches even before eating and she didnt get to see Yangyang upfront for hours being under the same roof as him. She only get to greet him the day before but it wasn't a long talk.

She looked at the mirror after fixing her shirt, walking out and straight to take a seat at the bar. She didnt want to meet him, not to avoid him too, as long as she attends then it'll be fine, but she didn't know if it was fine for him to. There were heard of a chair dragged, a person who just sat down next to her. Chunhua looked over to her side, not believing that she would meet Da eun at the same place. Da eun have thought that Chunhua might come and that was how they met again. "So you came, and you didn't told me."

She asked for a drink then back at her, "Were you using him to use it for popularity? to sink his reputation?"

She rolled her eyes over her, looking at others as she speak softly, signalling to talk outside. "Let's make it clear and not too loud here."

They both walked out of the beach house, looking around to make sure there were no one around other than them. "Ive told you to stay out of this shit, them, why are you looking like youre running away from me? Avoiding me. What's so good about them?"

Honestly,, guy friends are better friends with girls. Ordinary girls. The girls who need a trustworthy friend than secretive and obsessive friends. The ones that would be normal to talk to, to hang out with. No worries of the private life.

"And what's so good about you? Obsessive, when all you can do is stalk over me. Why can't you get a life?" Chunhua rolled her eyes, Da eun couldnt think of a respond to it.

"You should know what you're saying, I'm your friend for 2 years." It was more annoying when she can only say that, not a proper respond. Chunhua was muttering curses under her breath.

She had her back facing her friend, almost walking away to listen of what she was talking, kicking the sand in her way. Chunhua turned, now face to face with Da eun, only a few metres away from each other.

"You know what, I hate how you mistreat me as your friend these past few weeks. If it was because of the boys, you can get out of my life or make mySelf choose to get rid of you. Stop controlling my life and asking me things! That ain't how friendship works. Its not a duty of you being a spy or a stalker, every person needs privacy for your information. And heres a thing you dont notice, sometimes, people who doesnt make their life interesting is more attractive than people who speaks desperation for attention."

"If you want to get rid of them then i wont ever make you cause theyre my friends. If destiny and fate doesn't happen, we won't ever be friends in the first place." She continued.

All the weight from her shoulders are finally gone, the feeling of keeping the burden that is the secrets of truth all by herself, it was finally lifted. She felt a little better yet she's angry at herself and Da eun. Words were harsh but she did it to make that someone to realize.

From the suffocating breathing to release most of it, she now get to heave a sigh and let go, walking away from the scene. Maybe this is it, the end or theres a continuation, to see who makes the next move. Da eun went quiet in disbelief, stomping on her way inside.

Chunhua plopped herself on a log, far from the earlier place. The sand were hitting her legs as the wind went by pass her. The sky was blue, moon slowly lights up brighter. It was only the sound of the waves, smell of the ocean hitting her nostrils, fresh air breeze and dusty sand around.

Minutes later, a staring figure from afar run up towards her, sitting down right next to her to look around. A red plastic cup on his hand, his cute eyes looked at her.

He noticed she still wasn't looking, always not bothering of her own surrounding cause she knows the person around her. He started with a sip of his drink, looking at the surrounding- feeling that something is off. He carefully approach her, sitting down beside her. He licked his dried lips, "You.. wanna talk about something?.."

She looked around, quiet, not wanting to make any eye contact. She's tired. She's been calm that day, she didn't want to start another thing, a problem. So she stayed low, quiet, not caring about anything. "It mustve been hard for you these past few weeks. I know about it, we know." He just stop his words at some point as he talk. Even Jaemin sometimes get headaches at how this girl handles things that simple when it actually isnt.

Maybe he knew, he found out. That just a few days ago Yangyang face-to-face asked her, as if it was a confession. It was sure a move, to try things out before officially in a relationship. It wasn't that far to being a couple all of a sudden. Yangyang showed his interest towards her, it wasn't like the things that would happen in the rumors. His face showed how sincere he was.

Thinking that her friend was there by her side, it's hard for her to even think. It's not that she doesn't trust him, she wasn't in the mood of it. Not 100% ready. She can only look at him.

Jaemin is understanding, he's unbelievably fun to be with. He's nice, great to socialize with, he has been the best friend she had. It's just there's this special thing about him being a friend, he's there knowing that things were wrong, there to help.

Chunhua turned to stare at him when he spoke, he was brushing his hair to the back. "How bout you- hmm.." He sighed and looked somewhere to think. He seemed like he wanted to ask something, pursing his lips before he turned to face her with a beautiful smile. His face were beautiful, seriously charming. A kind of question but seemed like an instruction to follow.

"Date me."

date me // yangyang ft. jaemin [completed√ ]Where stories live. Discover now