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"Huh? I heard someone still owe me an apology and going to buy me McDonald's later?" Chunhua said as she shrug, walking pass her friend.

Even after ordering foods, eating it to scrolling on the screen of the phone, Da eun still talks about it. "You should check these comments, theyre 80% about you."

"Stop caring about them, why don't you mind your own?" She looked away with a sigh, eating the fries on her tray.

She stared at the conversation between her and the guy who posted the picture. She texted him last night, trying not to beg but only swearing much.

you lil shit
* message deleted *

take that false rumor down

Who are u??

dont try to fucking care who i am

rumor and your instincts arent right so
take that picture down

Chillz gurl

that aint good news for other schools to see


everyone in this country knows him ffs

Wow u type dast

and have you even asked THE SCHOOL'S GENIUS
THAN STUDIES AND GRADES for his permission? huH



whyd u even bother to post made up rumor?
dont you know how much he dislike that kind
of attention from people? to badmouth behind
his back? you thought Yangyang would like that?

in reality, does he even knows himself dating
such girl when he have no time for that?

as a student of the same school as him and you,
im fucking disappointed of people like you

@j0ngheyy is typing...

and cant believe such problematic people like
you eXisT

in tHIS scHOOL.

The guy might not see the picture a problem to public or even the words she sent was offensive. It was on seen and that's a useless work of typing so much furiously. It would only make her blood boil, earning a stare and scoff from Da eun who was sitting in front of her.

"Girl, youre using a blusher now?" She laughed then back at chewing her food.


"Your face is red." Da eun pointed using the fries in her hand.

"Ah, maybe it's hot. You know my face is getting sensitive and skin tone pale these days." Chunhua sighed, slightly fanning her own face.

It was a fact, she takes care of her face these days because of her mom buying her all kinds of product for facial treatment. She was born having light colored skin tone- almost pale and she blushes during the day back then. After having sunburnt and all, she had to turn her face back to the natural color she have because of the unfair skin tone with her neck but since her face getting back to pale, it even get red during night and even when she's indoor.


"Have you thought of erasing that.. so called news?" Yangyang turned towards his friend, he have thought about it but didn't think of taking it down and about her that didn't even mind makes him- didn't even mind too- just not to care. Unexpectedly.

Yangyang didn't reply, instead he thought. The fact that people believed it so much, nonsense to him and somehow funny.

"Oh, that rumor? I saw and heard that the girl said it herself. Probably being sarcastic enough to make the people believe it." His other friend said mouthful while scooping more food into his mouth.

Then, it hit him. As if he was daydreaming and being slapped to reality. ' She said it herself. Where's the explanation?' A slight smirk formed his lips, he have thought that things were just about to start- something was just interesting of her to say such thing, to admit shit she didn't really meant. That was bravery.

He barely met her, she barely met him. They barely talk to each other and nothing was going on than being typical strangers. How she said to public, it wasn't even a thing, they talked for the first time- faced each other for the first time- making eye contact, still for the first time. Rumors just spread and people doesn't know the real thing behind it.

His friend asked him again the same question about the freaking rumor, to make sure it was real but a respond was a shake from his head. Yangyang looked towards his friends, asking, "The girl admitted.. we're in a relationship?"

His friend squinted his eyes and take a sip of his drink as he chew. He shook his head and swallowed it, "Not really that specific but you dating her."


Chunhua was rushing backwards and forward from her class to the library when she realized her phone wasn't with her, going back to her class because she didn't found her phone at the seat she took in the library before.

She doesn't care about other things anymore cause once it got stolen, her privacy will be invaded and herself will be exposed by the people around her. As she speed-walking, she suddenly felt a tap on her shoulder, "Your shoes untied."

A female senior passed her by, just stepping out of her classroom. Chunhua nodded as a respond, not being bothered before continuing her walk until she stop her track in front of a person right in front of her, blocking her way.

Her chin doubled in size as she balance herself to stand. The person in front of her was a familiar guy, squating down, making her to stare down on him. She knew her shoe was untied, her eyes widen as she stare at what he was doing- tying her shOelAcE. She took a few steps backwards in surprise, him staring back at her. She just stayed quiet when he was tying it then stands up facing her.

"You know your shoe was untied." He stated with a small smile, earning a shrug from her that is now looking away.

"I didn't ask you to tie it.."

He made a face, signalling a question, 'Really?'. Chunhua replied, "I was busy looking for my phone, i dont have time for it." Of course she knows that she might trip over herself but she can be cautious sometimes. It was a normal thing to ignore something right?

She suddenly felt a vibration from her blazer, flinching. Next, fishing out her phone, an awkward expression plastered on her face. Not even an expression would express how she felt but her red face showed it.

Silence took over for a little time, his view still facing right into her. The guy spoke, "And you knew about the dating rumor before we met again."

False stays false, in other opinions, false can be true then this rumor still looked the same in other point of views. They know nothing but they know something and that something just led to accusations, made up words.

and as said, it was just getting interesting.

date me // yangyang ft. jaemin [completed√ ]Where stories live. Discover now